At Her Own Pace, Melania Trump Tiptoes Into the Limelight 


The New York Times <>  

By KATIE ROGERS2 hrs ago



TORONTO — Melania Trump took a quick break from Washington.

Who could blame her?

As President Trump spent the better part of his weekend lashing out at
professional athletes, John McCain and Kim Jong-un, Mrs. Trump traveled
abroad without him for the first time as first lady, touching down in
Toronto to attend an athletic competition for wounded service members and

In an official speech of 134 carefully selected words, Mrs. Trump told the
American delegation to the Invictus Games to “take that fighting spirit that
I know you have, and bring home the gold!” It was the latest in a recent
string of high-profile appearances, all highly glossed and tightly
controlled, that have fueled speculation about how Mrs. Trump feels about
being first lady.

Is she shy? Is she reluctant? Those who know her say there’s no mystery: She
is as cautious as her husband is impulsive, and shares little of his desire
for the limelight.

Still, eight months on, Mrs. Trump is hinting at an emerging policy
platform. In the past week alone, in addition to the Toronto trip, she
delivered a speech on cyberbullying at the United Nations General Assembly
in New York, and dug around with young visitors in the White House garden.
At the games, she wore a crisp suit and a smile as she met with Prince Harry
and Prime Minister Justin Trudeau of Canada, and later clapped for her
country’s military heroes from her seat.

But Mrs. Trump, like other first ladies before her, has made it clear that
l> is in no hurry. She delayed moving from New York City to the White House
to ensure a smooth transition for her 11-year-old son, Barron. And even as
her schedule of events and travel starts to accelerate, Mrs. Trump has yet
to make traditionally crucial East Wing hires that could help turn her
initiatives, like her focus on cyberbullying, into reality.

Stephanie Grisham, Mrs. Trump’s spokeswoman, said in an email that Mrs.
Trump had been delayed in hiring a policy director because she was working
to “ensure that the person is a good fit for the entire team.”

Mrs. Trump, 47, is far from the first person in the role to take time
adjusting to the unwritten rules and expectations. Her predecessor, Michelle
Obama, was less than enthused about life in the East Wing. Such spousal
melancholy dates back to the country’s infancy: Louisa Adams, the
London-born wife of President John Quincy Adams, spent much of her time in
the White House in the 1820s depressed and binge-eating chocolates,
&_r=0> according to historical accounts.

Things haven’t gotten that bad for Mrs. Trump. At the opening ceremony of
the Invictus Games, the Slovenian-born first lady cheered for stars and
stripes in an arena filled with maple leaf flags.

The celebration, complete with dancing children and giant puppets, had a
lighter air than her speech to the United Nations on Wednesday, in which she
warned about the dangers to children posed by cyberbullying and drugs.

“We must turn our focus right now to the message and content they are
exposed to on a daily basis through social media,” Mrs. Trump said to a
luncheon group, “the bullying, the experience online and in person and the
growing global epidemic of drug addiction and drug overdose.”

With her East Wing lacking policy muscle, Mrs. Trump has joined West
Wing-led initiatives, including plans to combat the opioid crisis. She
continues to receive briefings from the Federal Emergency Management Agency
on hurricane relief, Ms. Grisham said.

While Mrs. Trump has flouted some norms by, for instance, wearing stiletto
heels while traveling to a hurricane disaster zone, she has brought some
conventionality to a White House that often eschews it. In August, Mrs.
Trump condemned the violence at a white supremacist rally in
Charlottesville, Va., even as her husband made equivocal statements about
the racists who were involved.

As Mrs. Trump picks up speed, she has brought a friend and adviser closer to
the formal operations of the East Wing.
nie-winston-wolkoff.html?mcubz=1&_r=0> Stephanie Winston Wolkoff, a former
director of events at Vogue who worked on the inaugural committee, is now
consulting for the first lady’s office, the White House confirmed.

Ms. Wolkoff, who had previously advised Mrs. Trump on everything from event
planning to wardrobe choices, helped prepare Mrs. Trump’s United Nations
speech, “along with others,” according to Ms. Grisham.

“While there certainly is an adjustment period, that is to be expected,” Ms.
Grisham said of Mrs. Trump. “She is staying true to herself and knows
exactly what she wants to achieve as first lady.”

“She is not one to seek out attention or photo ops,” Ms. Grisham added. “She
is focused on being a mom, wife, and serving the American people.”

Anita McBride, who served as Laura Bush’s chief of staff, said it would take
time before Mrs. Trump might be ready to introduce a full-fledged plan to
the public. Ms. McBride said it took Mrs. Obama over a year to roll out
“Let’s Move!,” her signature program to prevent childhood obesity. Mrs.
Bush, she said, took about that much time organizing the first National Book

“This is the period of time where you do see a number of first ladies in
recent history really begin to roll out their interests,” Ms. McBride said.
“There is some regularity to the timing of what she is doing.”

Ms. McBride, who attended a dinner that the first lady hosted for the White
House Historical Association at the White House this month, said Mrs. Trump
was embracing some of the more traditional expectations that accompany
living in the White House, and had grown to appreciate the potential power
of her platform over time.

Still, Ms. McBride said, given the president’s penchant for taunting tweets,
the first lady is likely to face an uphill climb on combating cyberbullying.

“I do think she will need to be prepared for not being taken seriously in
this because of some of the language and rhetoric that comes from her
husband,” Ms. McBride said. “You’re not going to win everybody over.”

Whether or not her initiatives at home have a lasting effect, Mrs. Trump,
who speaks multiple languages, is proving to be an asset on the world stage.
She has accompanied Mr. Trump on his trips abroad, serving as a buffer in
awkward handshake encounters
hakes.html?mcubz=1> with world leaders, and notably
html?rref=collection%2Ftimestopic%2FTrump%2C%20Melania> eliciting a smile
from a sullen-looking Pope Francis.

Patti Solis Doyle, a Democratic strategist who was an aide to Hillary
Clinton when she was first lady, sees Mrs. Trump’s travels as helpful to Mr.
Trump’s image.

“I think,” she said, “that Melania’s husband needs a little good will around
the world.”




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