icanism> Paul Kagame’s fake Pan-Africanism

 <https://www.pambazuka.org/taxonomy/term/8267> Theogene Rudasingwa

Rwanda’s ruler often poses as a Pan-Africanist. But what Pan-Africanist runs
a brutal dictatorship implicated in the murder of at least three African
presidents and has committed well-documented war crimes, crimes against
humanity and genocide at home and the Great Lakes  Region? An unrepentant
imperialist pawn, no other known African ruler in history has inflicted more
humiliation on his fellow citizens and other Africans than Kagame.

President Kagame has been on one of the numerous costly pilgrimages that he
makes to the United States every year. This time he was among the several
world leaders attending the annual rituals of the United General Assembly
meetings. Besides photo-ops, Kagame has spoken at events in which he
repeatedly argued that he merited a 99% vote in the 4 August presidential
elections, paving the way to a life-presidency.  At the Council on Foreign
Relations in New York, he was visibly irked by questions relating to his
human rights abuses, closure of political space and a relentless lynching of
his political opponents. At the Brookings Institution in Washington D.C., he
spoke on the African Union Reforms Agenda which he has been tasked by his
African peers to oversee.

Often, when under internal or external pressure to democratize, respect the
rights of Rwanda’s citizens and curb his belligerent behavior towards
Rwanda’s neighbors, Kagame adopts the language of Africa’s common history, a
common future, and collective self-reliance as advocated by distinguished
Pan-Africanists like Marcus Garvey. W,E.B. Du Bois, Julius Nyerere, Kwameh
Nkrumah and many others in continental Africa and the Diaspora.

Yet, despite his deceptive grandstanding, a fake vocabulary of nationalism
and Pan-Africanism, Kagame is a vicious dictator at home who works against
Africa’s interests.

In Rwanda, he is responsible for running a brutal dictatorship,
assassinating President Juvenal Habyarimana of Rwanda and President Cyprian
Ntaryamira of Burundi; slaughtering hundreds of thousands if not millions of
Hutus, and pursuing them with a vengeance  into the Democratic Republic of
Congo.  Various UN reports, including a UN Mapping Report of 2010,
documented war crimes, crimes against humanity, and even possible acts of
genocide against Rwandan Hutu.

In the DRC, credible reports of  international NGOs and human rights
organizations have documented up to six million Congolese lives lost due to
Kagame’s wars of aggression and plunders.

In Burundi, Kagame’s campaign of destabilization has left hundreds of
thousands of ordinary Burundians camped in neighboring countries as

In his rule that spans almost two-and-half decades, Kagame has had his army
or its proxies fight Uganda, Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, and masterminded the
assassination of President Laurent Kabila of the Democratic Republic of

Inside and outside Africa, Kagame has distinguished himself with a shameless
opportunism to support Western powers in their ill-considered regime change

In an article drafted for him on the advice of  Ambassador Susan Rice in
Washington DC  and former UK Prime Minister Tony Blair in  London, Kagame

“So, it is encouraging that members of the international community appear to
have learned the lessons of that failure. Through UN Resolution 1973, we are
seeing a committed intervention to halt the crisis that was unfolding in
Libya. From what the world saw on the sidelines of this conflict, had this
action not been taken, the bombardment of that country's towns and cities
would have continued, Benghazi most likely would have borne the brunt of a
furious administration, and hundreds of thousands of lives could well have
been lost.

“Given the over-riding mandate of Operation Odyssey Dawn to protect Libyan
civilians from state-sponsored attacks, Rwanda can only stand in support of
it. Our responsibility to protect is unquestionable – this is the right
thing to do, and this view is backed with the authority of having witnessed
and suffered the terrible consequences of international inaction.”

Earlier, in 2003, Kagame offered Rwanda alongside only three other African
countries (Ethiopia, Eritrea and Angola) to become part of the “coalition of
the willing” in support of the Bush-Blair Iraq project based on false
intelligence of weapons of mass destruction.

Muammar Gaddafi and Saddam Hussein were obviously dictators with terrible
human rights records. Their fate was sealed by Western powers not because of
their alleged human rights abuses or weapons of mass destruction, but for
other geo-strategic considerations that Kagame and his little Rwanda were
not part of.  Ironically, if human rights abuses were a primary
consideration, Kagame would have died a death as miserable as Gaddafi’s  or

In peacekeeping operations in Africa’s trouble spots (Sudan, South Sudan,
Central African Republic, Mali) and beyond, Kagame’s exclusively Tutsi
officers with grave human rights records have become the darlings, paid
legions on behalf of US and other Western powers.

In the second of his six 1979 BBC Reith Lectures, The African Condition, the
late Ali Mazrui, a distinguished African scholar, stated that “among victims
of sheer humiliation and contempt, Africans and people of African ancestry
have suffered the most in modern history.”

No other known African ruler in remote or recent history has inflicted more
humiliation and contempt on his fellow citizens and other Africans than
Kagame. He survives and prospers not because he is national hero and
Pan-Africanist, but because he works against his people and African

* DR. THEOGENE RUDASINGWA is former Chief of Staff of Paul Kagame and former
Ambassador of Rwanda to the United States.


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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