One Shooter?  The Time & The Bullets Don't Add Up
Proof 'Lee Harvey' Paddock Did NOT Act Alone 


By Jeff Rense



Note - The exact number of seconds elapsed is unclear but it is commonly
stated that the shooting lasted about 'four minutes'.   Let's work from that
assumption…240 seconds. On that basis, the case for multiple shooters
becomes extremely compelling. This is not exact science and you are invited
to do the math yourselves.

Keep in mind the current casualties are 59 dead and 527 injured (a small
number from being trampled, etc, trying to escape.)   That's 586 but let's
work with the figure of 560 total SHOOTING casualties, and in most cases,
one bullet per casualty. Keep that number in mind.  560 casualties…560

It remains unclear if Paddock is alleged to have been firing rifles in full
automatic mode (and where did he get them?) or was firing in the
standardized rapid-fire single round or selected 3-round burst mode.

US military M-16 and M-4 rifles could potentially shoot 90 rounds per minute
at 3-roundl auto burst under range conditions that did not exist in the
Madalay Bay hotel room.

Here is a note from firearms pro… 

However, as anyone familiar with firearms will tell you, that 90 rounds per
minute would bring most rifles to 'red hot' temperatures which could melt
the gas tube or even damage a barrel. And we are just talking about ONE
MINUTE of shooting at 90 rounds.

If Paddock fired one or several rifles at an aggregate of 90 rounds per
minute, that would add up to a potential total of 360 rounds in the
approximate four minutes (or 240 seconds) of shooting… with NO TIME for him
to change magazines, change windows or change rifles.

However, Paddock could NOT fire 360 rounds in the four minutes (240 seconds)
because he HAD to stop and change magazines…either 20 or 30 round mags.   If
he had 30 round mags, that would be TWELVE magazine changes in the four
minutes.  And it is reported he fired from both broken out windows in the
room/s…meaning he was moving around.  And if he stopped to change rifles,
there is more time lost.

Survivors state there were shooting pauses and that is when they would run.

Let's say Paddock managed to get off an amazing 300 rounds in 4 minutes (or
240 seconds) and hit someone with EVERY SINGLE ROUND.  That's 300 dead or
wounded people.

Remember, there were 580+ killed and wounded according to late statistics
and we are using 550 killed and wounded for the sake of this example and
those hurt in the stampede.

WHO, then, fired off the other 250 rounds...also without missing a single
shot ?

550 (our example number) killed and wounded from TWO windows in a little
over 4 minutes (240 seconds) and Paddock could only have fired off about 300
rounds as we are projecting.

So, once again, WHO fired off the other 250+ rounds, without missing a
single shot, to fill the out our guesstimate roster of 550+ dead and wounded
from gunshot?

In other words, one person could not have done it alone.  The 'Lone Gunman'
story makes no sense.

Although we weren't there to watch and listen, the numbers don't add up.  A
group of highly trained terrorists might have done it, firing from both
windows and, perhaps, other locations.  From the time of the first 911 call
to the arrival of police at the Paddock hotel room took, we are told, was 74
MINUTES.  A lot can happen in 74 minutes.

Here is one reply to this article by an M4 firearms owner…

This article is spot on.  I own a Colt M-4 carbine chambered in 5.56x45
NATO.  Last time I was at the rifle range ( in cold weather ), just two
10-round mags in 2 minutes, and my 16" barrel was smoking hot.  NO WAY one
guy did this that quick.  I'm waiting to see the list of rifles allegedly
found in that room.  Is it possible that other shooters were on adjacent
roofs ???  You bet it is.  Wish I could find out the entry points of the
wounded & dead as well as if more than one type of bullet was found.
However, with a carbine round, it could easily well pass through the body.
Note:  My late father was an Army Sergeant & Marksman.  Started me shooting
.22 long rifles at the age of 5.  So, I have nearly 55 years of firearms
experience.  To me, this smacks of a 'black op' false flag, with perhaps a
little MK-ULTRA thrown in for the patsy ('Lee Harvey' Paddock).





On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
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