The Region Where ISIS, Al-Qaeda, and Boko Haram Converge

The deaths of three Green Berets near the Mali-Niger border show just how
entrenched American security forces in Africa have become since 9/11.

Niger's President Mahamadou Issoufou Muhammad Hamed / Reuters 

In 2002, just months after the attacks of September 11, the Bush
administration launched the Pan Sahel Initiative, a counterterrorism program
in which the U.S. worked with the militaries of Chad, Mali, Mauritania, and
Niger to track down criminals and terrorists in the region. Over the next
several years the program expanded to include more countries, ultimately
getting subsumed into a new military command called Africom, created in
2007. Changes notwithstanding, what has remained constant since U.S. troops
entered the region 15 years ago is their numbers have grown even while
terrorist groups have continued to operate.

In 2005, Robert D. Kaplan visited Niger to study the U.S. counterterrorism
effort in the region. He wrote
s/303823/>  in The Atlantic:

The countries of the Sahel—which runs through Senegal, Mauritania, Mali,
Burkina Faso, Niger, Nigeria, Chad, and Sudan—are among the world's poorest
and most unstable, with some of the highest fertility and lowest quality of
life anywhere. Governments have little control beyond their capital cities,
and throughout the region are many of the ingredients that breed terrorists
and their sympathizers: a population disillusioned with its political
leadership; a dangerously high number of unemployed young men; Islamic
orthodoxy on the rise. Sahelian Africa provides the two conditions essential
for penetration by al-Qaeda and its offshoots: weak institutions and the
cultural access afforded by an Islamic setting. It is, in fact, already home
to what is arguably the most dangerous and dynamic Islamic force in the
northern half of Africa today: the Salafist Group for Preaching and Combat.

Many of those conditions hold true a dozen years after he wrote—despite the
presence of U.S. and French forces. Affiliates of al-Qaeda, as well as Boko
Haram, which has pledged allegiance to ISIS, are all active in the region,
including in Niger. It was there that on Wednesday, U.S. military personnel
on what the Pentagon characterized
led-in-niger-africom-officials-announce/>  as a mission to advise and train
Nigerien security forces, were caught in an ambush. Three Green Berets were
killed, along with
7Ctwgr%5Eauthor>  a member from an unnamed partner nation. The deaths were
the first in Niger of Americans from hostile fire. A soldier was killed
er-1.453451#.WdaGIxNSzBJ>  there in February in a vehicle accident.

No one has yet claimed responsibility for Wednesday’s attack. The ambush
occurred in the village of Tongo Tongo, about 125 miles north of Niamey, the
capital, and about 20 miles from Niger’s border with Mali, where attacks by
Islamist groups have surged in recent months, according to
3-2>  the UN. It’s unclear what U.S. training forces were doing in an area
so close to a region with known militant activity.

“Where U.S. Special Forces operate in these parts of Africa, they are
generally active in training,” Andrew Lebovich, a visiting fellow with the
European Council on Foreign Relations, told me. “But … this is where this
incident in Tongo Tongo seems to sow some potential confusion: It was
reportedly a training exercise very close to where jihadist groups are very
active, forcing a response to the attack with the Nigerien counterparts.”

He added: “It does show how blurry these lines can be.”

The region remains vital for the U.S. military. In a letter to Congress in
June, President Trump notified
t-speaker-house-representatives-and-president-pro>  lawmakers that U.S.
military personnel in the Lake Chad Basin “continue to provide a wide
variety of support to African partners conducting counterterrorism
operations in the region.” He said there were approximately 645 U.S.
military personnel deployed in Niger to support these missions. (The
Pentagon said Thursday the number was 800.) An additional 300 personnel were
in Cameroon, Trump said in the letter. Additionally, Reuters reported
drone-base-in-central-niger-idUSKCN12023L>  last year, the U.S. is building
a $100 million base for surveillance drones in Agadez, in the central part
of the country, to help in those efforts—all of which goes to show the U.S.
presence in the region is entrenched and set to continue.




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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