Privately a Sexual Predator, Publicly A Champion of Women 

In public, Weinstein presented himself as a champion of women. He won tons
of humanitarian awards. England nearly made him “Sir Weinstein” for his many
Shakespearean-themed movies.

If you just look through YouTube, you’ll see how the very same movie
insiders who presented these awards and made the glowing speeches apparently
knew the dirty secrets of the sexual predator. But went along for the money,
for the fame
man-polanski-is-extraordinary/> , for fear of getting whitelisted.

While Weinstein was using the exclusive Savoy Hotel in London or the Beverly
Hills hotel in Hollywood as his hunting ground for assignations – regularly
demanding sex from aspiring actresses, models and even raping some according
to the allegations – his company was also distributing “The Hunting Ground
tary-a-searing-look-at-campus-rape.html> ,” a documentary
<>  about campus sexual assault
<> .

He hosted fundraisers for former presidential candidate, Hillary Clinton,
the self-described champion of woman and children causes and Barack Obama.
Both are the supposed lion and lioness of American progressiveness. Yeah,

In fact, the New York Times also reported, Weinstein helped endow a faculty
chair at Rutgers University in Gloria Steinem’s name. Steinem
<>  is the white feminist guru
(and a former Playboy Bunny and CIA operative
<>  of course.) Apparently,
Weinstein was also front in center, walking in a women empowerment parade
during a Sundance Film Festival.

His profile as a humanitarian, like that of Bill Clinton and Paul Farmers –
the UN Envoy and Deputy Envoy to Haiti, respectively, are long and
often-repeated. The dirty realities, the hanging out with convicted
pedophile, Jeffrey Epstein, not so much.

Either way, the corporate entity Weinstein and his ilk branded will simply
change its name
e-change-wipe-the-stain-of-harvey-s-scandal>  to escape the worst fallout.
In our world, the corporate entity has more rights than human beings. It’s
how white supremacy and patriarchy survives eternally. It constantly morphs
under another banner – pours the same old toxic cocktail into a new bottle,
a new skin so-to-speak. Then revs up its media, movies and obsequious
celebrities to clothes itself again as the height of justice, progress and
human achievement. Just as the modern-day colonial missionaries currently
working under the “humanitarian,” “philanthropist,” or “UN peacekeeper”
banners – the white savior charitable industrial complex
.htm>  money launderers – hide the same old Western neocolonialism, U.S.
imperialism, bloody regime changes, fake elections, resource pillage and
land appropriations in Haiti and Africa.-- Èzili at Black males get smeared
and falsely prosecuted: Harvey Weinstein gets a 30-year cover up
d-harvey-weinstein-gets-30-year-cover/>   -


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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