The Coming Russia Bombshells


by Tyler Durden <>  

Oct 27, 2017 2:34 PM 

Authored op-ed by Kimberley Strassel via The Wall Street Journal,

The confirmation this week that Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the
Democratic National Committee paid an opposition-research firm for a
“dossier” on Donald Trump is bombshell news. More bombshells are to come.


The Fusion GPS saga isn’t over. The Clinton-DNC funding is but a first
glimpse into the shady election doings concealed within that oppo-research
firm’s walls. We now know where Fusion got some of its cash, but the next
question is how the firm used it. With whom did it work beyond former
British spy Christopher Steele ? Whom did it pay? Who else was paying it?

The answers are in Fusion’s bank records. Fusion has doggedly refused to
divulge the names of its clients for months now, despite extraordinary
pressure. So why did the firm suddenly insist that middleman law firm
Perkins Coie release Fusion from confidentiality agreements, and spill the
beans on who hired it?

Because there’s something Fusion cares about keeping secret even more than
the Clinton-DNC news - and that something is in those bank records. The
release of the client names was a last-ditch effort to appease the House
Intelligence Committee, which issued subpoenas to Fusion’s bank and was
close to obtaining records until Fusion filed suit last week. The release
was also likely aimed at currying favor with the court, given Fusion’s
otherwise weak legal case. The judge could rule as early as Friday morning.

If the House wins, don’t be surprised if those records include money
connected to Russians. In the past Fusion has worked with Russians,
including lawyer Natalia Veselnitskaya, who happened to show up last year in
Donald Trump Jr.’s office.

FBI bombshells are also yet to come. The bureau has stonewalled
congressional subpoenas for documents related to the dossier, but that
became harder with the DNC-Clinton news. On Thursday Speaker Paul Ryan
announced the FBI had finally pledged to turn over its dossier file next

Assuming the FBI is comprehensive in its disclosure, expect to learn that
the dossier was indeed a major basis of investigating the Trump team -
despite reading like “the National Enquirer,” as Rep. Trey Gowdy aptly put
it. We may learn the FBI knew the dossier was a bought-and-paid-for product
of Candidate Clinton, but used it anyway. Or that it didn’t know, which
would be equally disturbing.

It might show the bureau was simply had. Don’t forget that it wasn’t until
January the dossier became public, and the media started unearthing details.
And the more ugly info that came out (Fusion, Democratic clients,
intelligence-for-hire) the more former Obama officials seemed skeptical of
it. In May, former Director of National Intelligence Jim Clapper said his
people could never “corroborate” its “sourcing.” In June, Mr. Comey derided
it as “salacious and unverified.”

Yet none of this jibes with reports that the FBI debated paying Mr. Steele
to continue his work. Or that Mr. Comey was so convinced by the dossier that
he pushed to have it included in the intelligence community’s January report
on Russian meddling. Imagine if it turns out the FBI was duped by a
politically contracted document that might have been filled up by the

There’s plenty yet to come with regard to the DNC and the Clinton campaign.
Every senior Democrat is disclaiming knowledge of the dossier deal, leaving
Perkins Coie holding the bag. But while it is not unusual for law firms to
hire opposition-research outfits for political clients, it is highly unusual
for a law firm to pay bills without a client’s approval. Somewhere, Perkins
Coie has documents showing who signed off on those bills, and they aren’t
protected by attorney-client privilege.

Those names will matter, since someone at the DNC and at the Clinton
campaign will need to explain how they somehow both forgot to list Fusion as
a vendor in their campaign-finance filings. Some Justice Department lawyer
is presumably already looking into whether this was a willful evasion, which
can carry criminal penalties. It’s one thing to forget to list that local
hot-dog supplier for the campaign picnic. It’s a little fishier when two
entities both fail to list the firm that supplied them the most explosive
hit job in a generation.

And there are still bombshells with regard to unmasking of Americans in
surveilled communications. If the Steele dossier reports (which appear to
date back to June 2016) were making their way into the hands of senior DNC
and Clinton political operatives, you can bet they were making their way to
the Obama White House. This may explain why Obama political appointees began
monitoring the Trump campaign and abusing unmasking. They were looking for a
“gotcha,” something to disqualify a Trump presidency. Of course, they were
doing so on the basis of “salacious and unverified” accusations made by
anonymous Russians, but never mind.

No, this probe of the Democratic Party’s Russian dalliance has a long, long
way to go. And, let us hope, with revelations too big for even the media to




On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
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