Popular sentiment in Zimbabwe


When Mugabe set his face to the wall and refused to resign, the Team
Mnangagwa decided to follow a different route to the same goal. They set
about persuading the Zanu PF Party to expel Mugabe and for the Members of
Parliament to impeach him next week and thereby kick him into touch. At the
same time, they recognised that they had to shield the process from regional
intervention by the SADC States and South Africa.

The first step in the latter exercise was the decision to call for
demonstrations in Zimbabwe to show that the people of this country
overwhelmingly support the military intervention and the removal of this
stubborn old man from the seat of Government . The call went out on Thursday
and Friday and various organisations responded by organising rallies and
marches in the different urban areas of the country.

In Harare I decided to visit all the sites to assess the mood and the
response. Well what a day! By midday an estimated one million people had
gathered at the Zimbabwe Grounds in Highfields which has such symbolic
significance as the seat of African Nationalism in the Rhodesian era and the
site where Robert Mugabe made his first speech after taking power in 1980.
It was an extraordinary sight with tens of thousands on roads jammed with
traffic in every direction.

In the City itself crowds formed everywhere. The atmosphere was relaxed and
cheerful. Soldiers on duty were hugged, posed for selfies and cheered at
every turn. One group even insisted on cleaning their boots!! Flags were
everywhere. No police – gone were the feared riot police, no tear gas, no
threats, no road blocks. No windows were broken, no cars burnt, no stones

Even the weather played along. It was dry, cool and overcast, perfect
weather for the day and it was like that all over the country. It remained
like that right into the night and I think it was a late night for many. It
was the same in all Cities, for once this country was at one and everyone
had the same message – Mugabe must go, and SADC and South Africa must let us
do this thing our own way.

What a day. I do not think many will forget that day and for sure now, the
Mugabe era is a closed book and a new day is dawning for our long-suffering
people. I was contacted this morning (Sunday) to say Parliament is sitting
on Tuesday. You all know what that means.

Eddie Cross

Harare, 19th November 2017


On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 

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