Mueller agents given UK approval to interview Christopher Steele in London
over Donald Trump dossier 

Christopher Steele 

*        <> Robert
Mendick, Chief Reporter 
*        <> Ben
Riley-Smith, US Editor 

20 May 2019 • 9:45pm 

The British Government gave approval for US investigators to interview a
former MI6 agent over his dossier detailing Donald Trump’s alleged ties to
Russia, it can be disclosed.

Christopher Steele, who wrote the dossier, was interviewed in London by US
officials working with Robert Mueller, the special counsel investigating
Russian interference in the US presidential election.

According to well-placed sources, the UK Government gave the greenlight to
the officials to travel to London to record Mr Steele’s testimony.

Mr Steele, who ran MI6’s Russia desk and had been a station chief in Moscow,
has not travelled to the US since news of the existence dossier became

Mr Steele gave detailed testimony for more than 12 hours to two
counter-intelligence officers from Mr Mueller’s team in September 2017.

The discussions were spread over two days. At the time of the meeting Mr
Trump was publicly attacking the investigation into his campaign’s links to
Russia as a
icated-report-russian-ties-asfbi/> “witch hunt” led by “very bad and
conflicted people”.

The decision by the Government to authorise the visit by Mueller’s team
suggests that officials in the UK took a more serious view of the
allegations being made by the ex-MI6 chief - in marked contrast to Mr
Trump’s take on the dossier.

Mr Steele met with the two officials - one of whom he had known from
previous work, according to friends - in The Grosvenor Hotel, an upmarket
hotel in central London, close to Mr Steele’s company offices.

How the infamous Trump dossier row unfolded 

June 2016

Christopher Steele is hired by Furion GPS, a research firm in Washington DC,
to look into Trump ties to Russia. Fusion GPS is being paid by lawyers for
Hillary Clinton’s campaign.

July 2016

Sources begin to report back to Mr Steele about shocking allegations
including that the Russians have “kompromat” on Mr Trump. He decides to
inform the FBI.

Summer/Autumn 2016

Mr Steele writes 17 memos, now known as his ‘dossier’, for Fusion GPS
spelling out the intelligence in detail. He also communicates what he has
found to the FBI.

November 8 2016

Mr Trump unexpectedly wins the US election, defeating Mrs Clinton. Mr Steele
decides his findings are a matter of national security and must be flagged
to the UK government.

Mid-November 2016

Around a week after the election, Mr Steele meets with Sir Charles Farr, the
chair of the Joint Intelligence Committee, and takes him through his

Late November 2016

Farr and Mr Steele meet for a second time to further discuss the memos. The
heads of MI6 and MI5 are briefed on the dossier around this period.

January 6 2017

Mr Trump is told for the first time about the dossier in a one-on-one
briefing with James Comey, then FBI director. He strenuously denies some of
the key allegations.

January 10 2017

Buzzfeed publishes 35 pages of Mr Steele’s memos online. One part claims the
Russians have a tape of Mr Trump getting prostitutes to perform a lurid sex
act in a Moscow hotel room.

January 11 2017

At a heated press conference Mr Trump denies the tape claim, saying he is a
“germaphobe”, and calls Buzzfeed a “failing pile of garbage” for publishing
the dossier.

January 27 2017

Theresa May visits Washington just a week after Mr Trump’s inauguration,
becoming the first world leader hosted in his White House. She also offers
him a UK state visit.

Gathering in one of the hotel’s meeting rooms, Mr Steele gave a more candid
description of where the allegations in his dossier had come from, according
to those familiar with the meeting.

The hotel was chosen amid fears that the London office of Mr Steele’s
company Orbis Business Intelligence could be bugged by adversaries, however
low the risk.

A friend of Mr Steele said: “This is London not Moscow. There’s a 10 per
cent chance that it is bugged but that’s still 10 per cent.”

The friend said Mr Steele was “doing his duty” in briefing Mueller’s staff
and pointed out the significance of the meeting in London being facilitated
by UK authorities.

Throughout the interview, which took up all of one day and much of the
second day, the US officials took notes.

The existence of the meeting has been reported before but not its details.
The disclosure follows this newspaper
-explosive-chistopher-steele/> ’s revelation that British spy chiefs were
briefed on the dossier before Mr Trump knew of its existence, triggering a
backlash from some supporters. 

The revelations risk deteriorating UK-US relations ahead of Mr Trump’s state
visit next month.

Mr Steele gave a copy of the dossier, containing 17 separate memos, to Sir
Charles Farr, who was one of Theresa May’s most trusted security advisers,
in November 2016, about a week after Mr Trump was elected president.

The dossier was then passed up the chain to the heads of MI5 and MI6,
according to sources. Mr Trump only became aware of Mr Steele’s dossier,
which included an allegation strenuously denied by Mr Trump that he hired
prostitutes to perform a lurid sex act in a Moscow hotel, in January 2017
when alerted by the FBI before taking office.

Sebastian Gorka, the former deputy assistant to the president in Mr Trump’s
White House, criticised British intelligence services over their handling of
the Steele dossier.

Mr Gorka told The Daily Telegraph: “Heads must roll politically in the UK if
we are to have any hope of salvaging the ‘special relationship’.”

Approached with details of the meeting, a spokesman for the special
counsel’s office declined to comment.

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