During the days and times before Abbey Semuwemba chased me out of UAH, among the very many arguments I had with Edward Pojim and George Okello as they were drinking the James Comey piss every morning, I stated that Commey must be very careful for he is going to end up arrested. Commey and the above I have mentioned ignored my advice, they classified my stand into garbage in the UAH forum and chased me out. Tonight I can state that Comey has started to run from his own firkin shadow. And do you know why? It is not about your size let alone brain, there is no one that has ever fought with a government and won. Democrats with their Republican parasites decided to create a noise, that noise was created to be limited to the day Trump loses election. And it was built without an embedment of what if, for they were that damn but so disconnected to the American population. And here we so are tonight. The president of the people, has for so long refused to declassify the intelligence paper work that the Obama administration created, for he feared that the cry is going to be that he is interfering with the Mueller investigation. Well we now have passed that mile stone, guess what? Every crap is de-classified from tonight. He signed the final documents just before he took off to Japan. In 24 hours we are going to know exactly who knew what when and where. The president has as well authorized the United States Attorney General to declassify any document he sees fit. The AG has to find out how and why the Mueller investigation was started. In looking into that question, the AG must look at CIA. FBI, NA, The UK government and Australian government parts they played in making sure his campaign loses. To Edward Pojim, get off your ass for this is a very serious investigation, and it is putting you in a very bad situation that you need to start to be very worried. And do you know why? Because the agencies being focused on are only being investigated at the top part. When that investigation spills over, it simply cannot spill below but upper. As I warned James Comey to shut up, I am tonight using my very own nice nemesis heart to warn Evelyn N. Farkas, the former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense for Russia/Ukraine/Eurasia during the Obama days. Girl yes I know you are a Democrat and an Obama true die hard, you worked so hard in the Hillary Campaign thus a Democrat by birth. Here is my advice girl on the creation of this probe, shut the fuck up girl from now for as the Hawks are crawling to make their very first arrest on this Russia delusional gimmick, you can easily be number one than Comey. The probe has been created, it is a very quiet probe that it has even refused to tell us its intentions as it continues to be empowered. Can we all do our selves a favor and shut the fuck up. Farkas you have done several interviews and in between you are now looking so stupid that you do not even know the meaning of the term counter intelligence. I am appealing to those with ability to post in UAH to please post this piece, to educate the masses before the shit hit the firkin fan. And trust me it is just about. EM -> { Trump for 2020 } On the 49th Parallel Thé Mulindwas Communication Group "With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in anarchy" Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi "Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni katika machafuko"
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