You Can Disagree With His Language, but Trump Is Right About 'The Squad' 

| Opinion

Charlie Kirk , Founder and Executive Director, Turning Point USA 
On 7/19/19 at 1:21 PM EDT 


The last few days of the American "news cycle" have been consumed by the
heated back and forth between President Donald Trump and the Marxist-leaning
"Gang of Four" Congresswomen Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Ayanna Pressley,
Rashida Tlaib and Ilhan Omar. I use quotes because we really don't have news
cycles in America anymore. We have rounds of orchestrated Trump-bashing by
media and activists.

This latest "cycle" involves the president confronting the four freshman
congresswomen, none of whom appear to embrace any love of the American
Constitution, free markets or individual liberty. He then completely
redirected the entirety of the mainstream news media by way of the following
three-part tweet
<> :

So interesting to see "Progressive" Democrat Congresswomen, who originally
came from countries whose governments are a complete and total catastrophe,
the worst, most corrupt and inept anywhere in the world (if they even have a
functioning government at all), now loudly...

...and viciously telling the people of the United States, the greatest and
most powerful Nation on earth, how our government is to be run. Why don't
they go back and help fix the totally broken and crime infested places from
which they came. Then come back and show us how.... is done. These places need your help badly, you can't leave fast
enough. I'm sure that Nancy Pelosi would be very happy to quickly work out
free travel arrangements!

The outcry from all of the usual suspects was swift and deafening. While
there is no such thing as a political seismic meter, if there were, it might
well have registered among the highest readings of the Trump presidential
run since it began in 2015. To borrow a word from President Barack Obama—who
was responding to then–Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid's actually racist
about the then–presidential candidate's skin tone and dialect—regardless of
how "inartful" Trump's phraseology may have been, his point was clearly
made, and he was right on target as usual.

Since these women have taken office, they have effectively used their
intersectional identities as shelter from very deserved criticism. Trump is
not criticizing these congresswomen because they are women of color; he's
criticizing the ideas they espouse. They express the most outrageous
statements of hatred against America, Israel and the president, all while
raising the shield of racism against refutations of their destructive ideas.

Ocasio-Cortez is an openly declared socialist. I won't mince words here: All
those who say that they are socialists, while they may or may not be decent
people and well-intentioned, are expressing an open hatred and hostility
toward the United States of America.

The United States was founded and built on the ideas of Aristotle
communal-property-is-inferior/>  and John Locke
/>  while directly repudiating the ideas of Plato
o-rule/>  and Rousseau
<> . The first
thinkers gave birth to the Scottish and American Enlightenments, the latter
to the bloody French Revolution and Karl Marx.

We are a federal republic centered on representative government, the
ownership of private property, the building of a middle class and limited
centralized power. To say you love America and embrace socialism is like
saying you are a die-hard Yankees fan but always cheer for the Red Sox when
the two face off.

Omar has repeatedly made anti-Semitic
tisemitic-slur-no-allegiance-to-israel/>  statements. While they do get
reported by conservative media platforms, the mainstream media either
ignores them or mitigates their severity. They cover for her. And yet, it
seems the freshman congresswoman from Minnesota can barely control her open
hostility against Jewish people.

Tlaib, another congresswomen who has made frequent anti-Semitic statements,
has likened the State of Israel to slave-owning America
g-policies-595600> . Her regular incendiary remarks get the same sort of MSM
treatment as do Omar's: downplayed, explained away and then justified,
usually by some talking-head professor on cable news willing to use some
pseudo-intellectualism as cover for scapegoating the Jewish people.

Just recently, Pressley referred to border security agents of color as being
nts-act-as-a-cog-in-machine-of-oppression> "a cog" in a machine of
oppression. This statement is transparently racist and condescending, and
it's just another version of the "Uncle Tom" labeling that has been leveled
against Clarence Thomas, Thomas Sowell, Dr. Ben Carson and other non-white
people who do not fit ideologically into their racial bullying.

 <> "The Squad," as they have
nicknamed themselves, is deliberately attempting to replace 250 years of
successful Americanism with the utter failure of Marxism. They know exactly
what they are doing, and judging by the recent Trump-bashing-cycle impact,
they are taking ground.

The president followed up his initial volley on Monday, tweeting
<>  in part:

We all know that AOC and this crowd are a bunch of Communists, they hate
Israel, they hate our own Country, they're calling the guards along our
Border (the Border Patrol Agents) Concentration Camp Guards, they accuse
people who support Israel as doing it for the Benjamin's,...

...they are Anti-Semitic, they are Anti-America, we don't need to know
anything about them personally, talk about their policies. I think they are
American citizens who are duly elected that are running on an agenda that is
disgusting, that the American people will reject...

Again, you can disagree with his language and rail against his use of
Twitter, but all of his points are correct —except maybe for the last part.
There are countless men and women, just like these four congresswomen, who
are too committed to channeling their inner Saul Alinsky. If my experience
on college campuses is any gauge, they stand a very good chance of
convincing many more people that their hate is the answer.

While they are called the Squad, I think calling them the Gang of Four might
be more appropriate because of the historical
<>  communist flavoring the label
evokes. No matter what they are called, the president's point is this: They
certainly need to take their Marxist ideas and their collectivist ideology
back to where they came from. 

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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