

Canada Post is a Federal Government institution, it was built on the very
old British system  that was structured to never change. As far as I can
remember Canada Post has been making  a loss every year, and it comes back
to the tax payer to get the money it needs to operate. You can never ask
questions about a Federal ran organization. When E-Commerce showed up,
Canada post woke from its sleep for it was losing so much, and the amounts
it was asking for, just became too complicated to politically be sold. 


The organization changed to the current situation, these days they open even
on Sunday, if I get a contract like the one of Air Canada I talked about
yesterday, I can call Canada Post and they rent me a ware house, I can use
their trucks and pay for them. Even though the letter posting has dropped in
2019 Canada Post is slowly starting to make a profit for the first time in
its life. The organization is slowly getting out of the Federal Government
protection to become a very aggressive competitor. They own a courier
company called Purolator too, which is polling in a chuck of cash.


For a very long time the banking sector of this country has been delivering
a service based on favors. Banks used to open at 9 30 some 10 am and close
at 3pm. You would not do any banking in the entire country outside those
hours. Smaller banks like Canada Trust started to open at 8am and close at
8pm, the larger ones have started to follow as well. Banking sector has
changed so much that today I do not need to go to a bank to carry out any


The TD bank I use, has a phone number I can call collect from any part of
the world, I talk to whoever picks up and do any transaction I need,
including transferring funds, asking for a loan and anything I need, just on
a phone. How do I identify myself when I am in Uganda on a phone? Voice
recognition. I called in and talked to an agent, the computer recognized my
voice and it kept it on record, so the moment I call from Kampala, the agent
asks me general questions, where are you Edward, how is the weather down
there, what food do you eat? 5 seconds later the computer comes back with
yup that is him. I do not need a bank card, I do not need a passport I just
need my voice.


Ugandans as a population literary fear change, the Acholi you see today
selling a chicken on a bicycle in Gulu is doing a job his grand grand grand
parents did. So will the grand grand grand kids to come 50 years down the
road. There is nothing that grieved Dr Kisekka as “Akasimo” agriculture in
Buganda. The man complained about that hoe you carry on your back to your
kibanja to dig every morning. It is a bad investment for it will never grow
your economy. 


The man prayed that we mechanize that agriculture, we need to add in a mixed
farming as well. He died without success because Ugandans fear change. There
are people that will never move from their bibanja for the ancestors were
buried into them. Good Lord you tell me to go to Nova Scotia today for there
is a job, I put on my second shoe when the flight is above 30,000 feet. A
Ugandan trains his child to hold that Kasimo from age 5, a very agriculture
Dr. Kisekka has already cautioned you that it does not work.


That fear of change gave birth to the taxi industry, and I have written
about this industry before. Why do Ugandans travel that much? There is a
taxi park in Kampala, a taxi park in Bwayise, a taxi park in Kawanda, Kalule
has one, Wobulenzi has one, so is Luwero, Nakasongola on and on you go till
you hit Arua. Why don’t we find what they are looking for and we take it to
them? Oh I remember it is called “Services nearer to the people” Iddi Amin
tried it and you hated him, you hate him that to today he is labeled a
killer and a worst monster out there. 


“There's all evidence here that one needs to confirm President Obote's
credentials as a leading African liberator. AMO was a cut above the rest.”
That very sad sentence has just been posted in UAH today. The hate of Amin
is very evident yet I see no new plans to replace the ugly proposals he
tried to put into the country. Obote failed even to reinstate the 18
districts when he came back, if they were perfect for Uganda why did he
leave the system as Amin changed it to? So you wait and at the end of the
Pojim’ s degree holder mumbo jumbo about Obote, you ask him a policy we have
in Uganda that Obote left, and you ask for only one.


And then Pojim sits with his friends to preach how he has helped his
relatives by sending them 5 matatus straight out of Japan. Investment for
them as they slip a cold beer. No actually that “investment” is a poison,
those vehicles feed exactly into the disease of economical failure, instead
of taking what the people want to them you are encouraging useless mass


I end up with George Okello using those taxis to travel between Gulu and
Kampala every day. He does not build Gulu for there is no market for his
building in Gulu, and he does not build it in Kampala for that is a city of
Baganda. The Okello economy is an economy on the road. Instead of Pojim
sending the five Matatus how about sitting down and find what Okello needs
in Kampala daily, and we take it to Gulu? Services nearer to the people huh
!!!!!!! ->? Instead of that we are reversing the Amin’s plan by taking the
population to the services. It simply can’t work.


They hate the man that created the solutions we need today, even though he
is dead and the insect that ate him is dead already. Services nearer to the
people. Ladies and gents, join me tonight to raise a glass for a life
president, a Doctor, The field Marshall, a president of the Republic of
Uganda, an Alihajij, Iddi Amin Dada Ssabalongo a VC, an MC, a DSO and The
conqueror of The entire British Empire. 


Breaking up Government ministries and assigning them out of Buganda region,
and advising embassies to embrace their offices in cities than Kampala can
be a fundamental start. It is time we go back to the Amin plan and fully
implement it or remain in the revolving door. 


Some die in that door, and the alive ones eat the dead, as the door keeps on

EM         -> { Trump for 2020 }

On the 49th Parallel          

                 Thé Mulindwas Communication Group
"With Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja and Dr. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda is in
                    Kuungana Mulindwa Mawasiliano Kikundi
"Pamoja na Yoweri Museveni, Ssabassajja na Dk. Kiiza Besigye, Uganda ni
katika machafuko" 


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