Another important topic:

Migrating from pre-Apache UIMA, including timelines, support intentions, etc.
Some thoughts I'm having about improving the web pages. Here's some changes I think are needed, in no particular order. 1) Something to say what the various versions are, where they are, why they are, and where to report bugs 2) Eventually (when we have a release) we should have a download link box on the front page, similar to right-hand side floating box 3) Some nice graphical diagrams would be nice - showing the "container" idea of UIMA 4) A diagram which shows the difference between the framework and the things that plug into it would be nice
    4a) something that points to where to get Annotators
    4b) a description of the kinds of annotators that have been developed
5) Embeddings of UIMA
     5a) product embeddings
     5b) engagement / project embeddings
     5c) links to other UIMA information
6) ToDo list, where help is needed (maybe this is a pointer to the wiki?)
7) Tools for annotator developers
8) Debugging - how to
9) Developer information - how to climb the learning curve in becoming a useful contributor to this project
   9a) Maven use
   9b) Web-site how-to
   9c) Docbook(s) how-to
10) Road Map - what's coming (including C++)


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