On 11/16/06, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Adam Lally wrote:
> I fixed a bug (reported on the forum) that the Annotation Viewer
> didn't support the new primitive types.  But I'm not so happy with my
> fix... it involved a lot of if..else if blocks for each of the
> different array types.  You can get an idea of how ugly it was to
> implement this just by scanning the patch quoted below.  Is there a
> better way?  Should I create a new JIRA issue for cleaning this up?
> -Adam

I was going to answer "you can use LowLevelCAS.ll_getTypeClass(int
typeCode)" but I see that Bhavani failed to update that method for the
new types.  I will have to deal with the same thing in the CVD one of
these days.  When I do, I'll go back to the annotation viewer and see if
I can straighten things out.

(I apologize if I sent this already... I meant to, but I don't see it
anywhere now that I look.)

What would have been nice is a common superinterface of all the
primitive array types, which defines a toStringArray() method.  The
toStringArray() methods are already there on the impls, but there's no
superinterface that I can use to get at them.


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