On 11/19/06, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have posted our proposal here:
> http://cwiki.apache.org/confluence/display/UIMA/Eclipse+Compiler+Settings
> If you turn these on, the UIMA source code lights up like a Christmas
> tree ;-)

I spent about an hour trying to fix warnings in uimaj-core.  I'm now
not so happy with having the following warnings turned on:

Undocumented empty block:  There are literally over 1,000 of these
just in uimaj-core/src/main/java.  After documenting the first 20 or
so I ran out of patience.  Most are just empty methods needed to
implement interfaces or provided so that they can be overridden by
subclasses.  Unless somebody's volunteering to document all these, I
think this warning needs to be turned off.

Parameter is never read:  There are a few hunder of these.  Most flag
public/protected methods that are overridden in subclasses (where the
subclass may have a use for the parameter), which  happens quite a lot
in UIMA.  There's generally no easy way to resolve this kind of
problem.  I could see this warning if it were restricted to private
methods only.  As it is, I think it's too restrictive.

I'm still not sure what I think about "Field Declaration hides another
field".  I'm going to try to live with that for now, because it has
found some things that deserve to be cleaned up.  The main source of
noise here is JCas-generated types, which have static public fields
(type, typeIndexId) which hide the same-named fields on supertypes.


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