A user posted a forum question on http://www-128.ibm.com/developerworks/forums/dw_thread.jsp?forum=444&thread=145870&cat=28 .

That link has a trail of discussion that led to a resolution - the failing case involved the PEAR including in its lib/ subdirectory some UIMA framework Jars, such as uima-core.jar. The fix was to remove these from the lib/ subdirectory, and also remove any reference in the installation metadata for the classpath that referred to the UIMA frame Jars. The reason for all this is that an application must load only one set of UIMA framework Jars, under one class loader, in order to correctly work. The PEAR validation mechanism was using Pear tooling and information to set up a UIMA Extension class loader (part of the Resource management mechansim) and was including the UIMA framework Jars in the set of things to load using this class loader. The UIMA class loader follows the protocol of loading a class first from its specified URL list, rather than the protocol of delegate first to its parent - because it is intended to allow isolation of the loaded classes from others that might
also be loaded (but at different "version" levels, etc.).

We need to consider updating our tooling to prevent other users from encountering similar problems.


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