On Fri, Jul 25, 2008 at 3:09 AM, Thilo Goetz <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Let's look at this from the user's perspective.  Who of our users
> needs access to all the old documentation?  If there is a significant
> number of people who would benefit from this, then I'm for it.  Else,
> let's not put up information that nobody needs.

Well, what is the usefulness of having all the documentation online
anyway, even for the current version?  People who just want to learn a
little about UIMA without downloading it don't need our entire
documentation.  Those who are working with UIMA closely enough to
need, say, the reference guides, won't have a problem looking it up in
the download package.

I can think of a couple reasons why online documentation is useful:

1) If someone asks a question on the mailing list, it is convenient to
paste a link to the online HTML version of the docs that answers it.
Before we had this it was always a pain to refer to sections of the
manual because the section numbers may change from the current manual
vs. the one the user has downloaded.

2) For the javadocs, you can link to them from other javadocs (for
something that has embedded UIMA).

When you are providing links to the docs, it can be useful to have
previous versions around so that the links don't break.  For #1, if a
user has identified what UIMA version they use when they ask the
question, you can provide a link to that version of the docs.  This is
only marginally useful, I have to admit, because the chances are low
that (a) a user bothered to actually tell you what UIMA version they
have :) and (b) the particular section in question happened to have a
relevant change.  For #2 I think it is actually more important, since
individual APIs certainly do change, and the linked javadocs will no
longer represent what's really going on in the version that is
embedded in the user's application.


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