A JMS service is just a UIMA AS service, so no limitations with uima-as
aggregates. SOAP clients previously broke delta CAS replies, but the
change that Bhavani made to "invalidate the mark" on CAS reset should
fix that. Can't see how async would be an issue.

Vinci services should still be broken for uima-as clients.


On Thu, Oct 22, 2009 at 10:31 AM, Marshall Schor <m...@schor.com> wrote:
> In reviewing https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/UIMA-959, it says
> that JMS and Vinci can be used within an uima-as aggregate marked
> async="false", but fail if async="true".
> The documentation has since been updated to say that vinci services
> cannot be used with uima-as because they don't preserve feature
> structure IDs, but SOAP does.
> However, the docs don't say that JMS and SOAP clients can't be used
> directly inside uima-as aggregates marked async="true".
> Is this still an issue?  If so, I'll update the section 1.4.5 to say this.
> -Marshall

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