Another question:  I think the dependency


should have <scope>test</scope> - is this OK if I change this?
I cannot recall the exact reason its done like this, I will find out if
the scope can be changed to test. It has to do with the unit tests,
they are a bit different.

The Cas Editor has two kind of tests:
a) Normal unit tests which are executed when its build (like the other unit tests in uima)
b) Unit tests which must be run inside an eclipse instance.

The latter once can right now only be manually started from
eclipse. I do that once in a while, and it should be done for the
release on all supported platforms (Linux, OS X, Windows).
To make these tests work the manifest must at least contain
junit as an optional dependency (but that should be configured correctly).
The execution of these tests is always a bit tricky, maybe I just changed
the scope to compile and forgot to switch it back to test.

And then there is maven problem, I do not know how
to configure two different test source folders, maybe you know.
I googled a bit around bit for me it looks like its only possible to have
one test source folder.


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