UIMA developers-- 

XmiCasSerializer.XmiCasDocSerializer has this method: 

    private void addAttribute(AttributesImpl attrs, String attrName, String 
attrValue) { 
        attrs.addAttribute(null, null, attrName, cdataType, attrValue); 

When I plug in a different ContentHandler (such as the ones from AgileDelta or 
for generating binary XML, aka EXI), then I get NullPointerExceptions. 
Apparently, they 
aren't expecting null for an attribute's URI and/or localName. 

I changed the above line to use "" instead of null, and these ContentHandlers 
no longer throw
an NPE. 

The developer at AgileDelta claims that the SAX spec says these should not be 
null (only if the
index is out of range).

So what is your opinion? Is null incorrect? Would there be any consequences 
perhaps?) to changing the arguments to "" ?

If you think it's a bug, I'll create an issue in Jira.


Greg Holmberg 

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