
I’m up for a curry tonight, just heading in a Sheffield direction now.

should we take this to the curry list?

Steve Lalonde
Chief Technical Officer
Entanet International Ltd

> On 11 Sep 2017, at 11:06, Pete Stevens <p...@ex-parrot.com> wrote:
>> I know some of the programme committee are around - but is anyone else in 
>> town tonight, and if so, are there any groups meeting for beers/food/chinwag?
> Me! Haven't planned anything yet but I'm pretty certain Sheffield has
> both beer and curry.
> Pete
> --
> Pete Stevens
> p...@ex-parrot.com
> http://www.ex-parrot.com/~pete/
> The last time humans crossed space to a destination was the Apollo 17 mission
> in 1972. In the 32 years since, no man has seen, with his own eyes, Earth as
> that beautiful, solitary blue sphere, and - reality check - no woman has ever
>                                                        seen it at all.
>                                                       -- James Cameron

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