Co Londonderry

Quarter Sessions 2nd day

Dr. ELRINGTON, Q.C., Recorder, resumed the business of these Sessions
Thursday, at 10:30 o’clock.

The cases heard during the day were chiefly of an uninteresting
nature. At the sitting Court Recorder took up the -

Ejectments of

George TOMPKINS, Samuel HANNA, Alex. M'NEILL, John CRAIGG, Edward
WILSON, Thos. WHITE, Joseph BOYCE, and Ann CRAIG.

The ejectments in these cases were brought to recover possession of
the lands held by the defendants, at Kilnappy and Mobuoy. The lands
were formerly held under lease, and the lease having expired a short
time ago, increased rents were demanded. The tenants refused to pay
the increased rents applied for, stating that they would willingly
submit to an increase 20 %, or refer the matter to 2 surveyors- one to
be named by the tenants, and other to be selected by the landlord.
This proposal was not concurred in by the landlord, who now sought to
recover possession of the lands.
Mr. HENRY (who appeared for the defendants) stated that he would be
glad if his Worship would grant a stay of execution, to give his
clients time to file land claims.
The Recorder said he would grant decrees for possession, subject to
the stay of execution applied for by Mr. HENRY.
Dr. M'CAY, solicitor, appeared for the landlord.

civil bills

Q. J. BROWNRIGG, C. I., vs. Samuel OSBORNE

The process in this case was brought to recover damages on the ground
that a mare, the property of the plaintiff, had been kicked and
injured by a horse belonging to the defendant. It appeared, during the
progress the case, that the plaintiff’s mare had been at grass on
defendant’s lands, and that it was while she was under the defendant’s
care the injuries complained of were inflicted.
The Recorder granted a decree for £6,
Mr. D. R. BABINGTON appeared for plaintiff.
Mr. Michael HENRY was for defendant.

Samuel OSBORNE v. Q. J. BROWNRIGG Brownrigg, C.I.
This was a cross-process at the suit of the defendant in the last case
to recover £8, the amount claimed by him for grazing the defendant’s
After hearing the facts, the Recorder granted a decree for £2 2s.
Mr. Michael HENRY appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. D. R. BABINGTON for defendant.

Thomas ANDERSON and James ANDERSON v. Patrick CANNING

The process was brought to recover 3£ 3s 5d. for goods sold and
delivered by the plaintiff to the defendant. The defendant stated that
his daughter had received a portion of the goods, for which, he
contended, he was in no way liable, and with regard to the other
portion, which, he said, had been delivered to his wife, he also
denied his liability, pleading as his defence, that he had noticed the
public, through the Press, to give no goods on credit to his wife.
The Recorder, after hearing this s. tatement deposed to, said he would
dismiss the process on the merits. Attorney for plaintiffs - Mr. A.
MUNNFor defendant - Mr. J. W. HANRAHAN

David BRADLEY and Patrick BRADLEY v. Charles BLANEY

This was process to recover 5£ 10s for goods sold and delivered. Mr.
HANRAHAN elicited during the hearing of the case that the plaintiffs
had given a bill of sale on their premises, &c., to Edward LYNCH and
the Recorder adjourned the case for the production of the bill of

3rd day- Friday


This was a process for £l0 damages for trespass, by defendant placing
a quantity of stones on plaintiff's ground at Workhouse road
Waterside. The question turned on the measurement of ground contained
in plaintiff's and defendant’s leases respectively.
The Recorder stated could not try the question in a process for
damages, and that an ejectment was the proper form. The case was
dismissed without prejudice.
Mr. BABINGTON appeared for the plaintiff
Mr. HENRY for defendant.

James BOYLE v. James DOHERTY

Plaintiff processed defendant for commission for collection of
accounts, which he stated he collected from a party in Raphoe. It
appeared plaintiff had previously taken a sum of 10s. in full
satisfaction of the amount due, and the case was dismissed.
Mr. HANRAHAN appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. M’CAFFERTY for defendant.

John DOLLAR v. William GARVAN

This was process was for 4£ 10s. for grazing. Plaintiff alleged that
defendant put 3 head of cattle to graze on his land, at various times,
till the end of the season on 1st November, at 15s per month; that
when the good grass was over, on the 6th September, he took them off,
and refused to pay for the 2 months of September and October.
Defendant alleged that the agreement was so that he could take the
cattle off at the end month, and that plaintiff said, when he paid
him, he was agreeable to the sum then paid, and gave him a receipt for
it in full.
On cross-examination, defendant produced the receipt, which was for a
"moiety" of the sum due.
The Recorder said, after seeing the receipt, he would not believe a
word the defendant had sworn, and gave a decree for the amount
Mr. BABINGTON appeared for plaintiff, and Mr. HANRAHAN for defendant.

transcribed by Teena from the 24 January 1880 edition of the
Londonderry Sentinel

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