Sorry to hear you’ve not been well, Teena. Hope you’re ok now.
Best wishes 
Dorothy NZ

Sent from my iPad

> On 12/02/2020, at 12:35 PM, Teena <> wrote:
> Hello Friends
> I apologize for being absent the last couple weeks, but I was quite
> ill, and not feeling like bring on the computer. However, I am back at
> it now. :-)
> 14 Feb. 1856
> melancholy accident
> A melancholy accident occurred at Belnahaughey, parish of Killeshal in
> this county, on the night of the 28th ult., which resulted in the
> death of Mrs. Alice MULGREW, the wife of a farmer, leaving 3 young
> children to deplore the loss of their unfortunate mother. It appears
> that the deceased had been at the wake of her brother for the 2 nights
> previous, and that she was returning home from the funeral that
> evening in a cart, driven by her servant boy. On their way, in passing
> through the town of Sixmilecross, the night being very cold, she
> stopped the horse at the door of a public house, and sent in the boy
> for some whiskey, she took half a glass of it cold  and half glass
> made into punch herself, and gave the boy the remainder of 2 naggins,
> after which they proceeded towards home.
> About 12 o'clock the husband was informed by another boy, who had just
> then returned from the funeral, that his wife and car should have been
> at home long before that time and suspicion having been raised by the
> circumstance of the boy having met a cart going in the opposite
> direction, without any apparent driver, the husband hurried in search
> of his wife. About 2 and a half miles back, they found the cart
> overturned on the side the road, as if going back, his wife lying
> under it, still warm; the boy who had been driving was staggering
> about unable to speak and the horse was found at short distance off.
> By the assistance of the boy who had gone back with him, the husband
> got his wife into the cart, together with her driver, but on getting
> home, she was dead. The boy after a time recovered, but could give no
> account of anything that occurred from the time he left Sixmilecross.
> Mrs MULGREW, from want of the 2 nights rest, fatigue, and the effects
> of the punch, must have fallen asleep and the driver becoming
> insensible from the effects of the whiskey and unable to guide the
> horse, had turned round after being within a mile of home, and upset
> the cart on the slanting side of the road, where it was found. On the
> Wednesday after, an inquest was held on view of the body before James
> BUCHANAN Esq., the coroner of the district, when a verdict was
> returned to the above effect. This is another death, the result of
> drinking to excess; for had the boy been sober it would not, in all
> likelihood, have occurred
> transcribed by Teena from the Londonderry Standard
> -- 
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