Anything to do with a "web [of] linen"?

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------ Original message------
From: Teena<>
Date: Wed, Feb 19, 2020 10:22 PM
Subject:[UlsterAncestry] Co. Armagh assizes Jul. 1834

Hello Friends

A brief extract today from the Northern Whig.

(Does anyone know what a 'diaper' would have been?, please, not what I
think today LOL)

Thur. 24 Jul. 1834
County Armagh assizes

John HAMILTON indicted for stealing 3 cows from the farm of John BROWN
near Richhill on the 31st May last - Guilty to be transported for life

John M'MURRAY for stealing a web of linen from the bleach-green of
Messrs. Samuel KIDD and Co., near Keady, 20th April last - Guilty to
be transported for life

John THOMPSON a lad of 14, for stealing a web linen, pleaded guilty.
Sentence not passed

Philip M'ILROY for stealing a piece of diaper, the property of George
GREER - not guilty

Wm. KIRK for stealing a mare the property of B. KIRK. The prisoner and
prosecutor are nearly related; the mare was disputed property. not

John LITTLE for stealing 2 goats at Aughnaveagh the property of Henry
THOMPSON pleaded guilty. Sentence not passed

Ann HALL for exposing an infant at Drumbeebeg. not guilty

On Saturday, Mr. Matthew JOHNSTON, distiller, was indicted for a
violent assault on John LANDERS, officer of Excise, with intent do him
some grievous bodily harm; he was also charged with common assault on
Martha LANDERS, wife of said John and also, for forcibly breaking into
his house and taking certain chattels, his property, on the 10th
April, at Middletown. not guilty

Assault by Policemen

John RODGERS, Edward DICKSON and  ? SHARMAN were indicted for
assaulting Patrick NUGENT on 12th July 1833, by firing at and stabbing
him, so as to endanger his life, at Keady.

Mr. MAYNE stated the case. It appeared that on the 12th Jul. 1833, a
number of Orangemen had passed through Keady in the morning and that,
on their return, some rioting took place; after all was quiet,
prosecutor was standing peaceably on the street, with his hands in his
pockets, when John RODGERS, the sergeant of the police at the bar,
came up to him and accused him of having stones in his pocket, on
which prosecutor shewed him his hands and said he had none; RODGERS
said he would arrest him and that he was too long out of Bridewell;
prosecutor said had done nothing and would not be arrested; ROGERS
<sic> then left him, but came back with a party of police and laid
hold of him; prosecutor in attempting to rescue himself, was struck by
the prisoners across the head and shoulders and one of them stabbed
him with a bayonet in the hip; he got off from them and ran a short
distance, when ROGERS levelled his gun, took aim and fired at him and
a ball passed through his hat and knocked off the plaister of a wall
convenient. For this he had been tried at the sessions for riot, found
guilty, and sentenced to 6 months imprisonment, which was afterwards
mitigated to 3 months. He now sought redress for an aggravated

Patrick NUGENT, the prosecutor, with several other witnesses, deposed
to the facts above stated.

On their cross-examination, they admitted that riots had taken place
on this day, and that stones were thrown. NUGENT’s hat was produced,
which had not the appearance of a bullet having passed through it.

In defence, several policemen were examined, who deposed, that the
prisoner was in command of a party of rioters on this day and that he
went by the name of Captain Rock. He was surrounded by his party, who
were ready to assist in his rescue.

After a voluminous charge from his lordship, the jury retired, and
afterwards returned a verdict of not guilty.

Cheers- Teena

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