Hello friends

The Crimean War was a military conflict, 1854-56, and there were many
men of Ulster, who fought, were wounded and died, during it.

Irish regiments, including the Inniskilling Fusiliers, would have been
part of Britain, therefore records for a soldier or seaman, may be
found at the National Archives (Kew) U.K.

I've noticed from reading old news, that one of the hospitals used was
Scutari Hospital (Istanbul Turkey). This was a hosptial where Florence
Nightingale & her nurses worked.

A couple battles that I noticed some men of Co. Tyrone being a part of
were Balaklava, Inkermann, and Sevastopol

20 Jun. 1855 Irish heroes in the Crimea

Lieutenant T. G. LOWRY
This excellent and promising young officer, a native of Dungannon, is,
we are grieved to say, in the list of the dead last forwarded from the
seat of war. He fell in the bloody attack at the quarries before
Sebastopol the morning the the 8th inst. Lieutenant LOWRY was the son
of T. LOWRY Esq., of Pomeroy, near Dungannon. A young gentleman of
great talent, and passed brilliant examination at Woolwich immediately
before being sent to the Crimea. The greatest sympathy is expressed by
all classes of society in this neighbourhood of Dungannon with the
bereaved family.

Lieutenant BOYD of the 17th Regiment
We are sorry to find the name of Lieutenant BOYD in the list of
wounded in the affair of the 11th before Sebastopol. This gallant
young officer is the son of W. J. BOYD Esq. of Baleer, in this county,
(Armagh) and was on the eve of promotion to a company.

above transcribed from The Advocate

for more on the Crimean War

Lieut. Thomas Graves LOWRY is listed in this book
'The Crimean campaign' By Thomas Carte 1861

brief explanation

page 590 - Our Soldiers at Home & in the Field - a report to the House
of Commons, of the conditions, etc. Mar. 1855)
(has a list a few of the Irish regiments)

drawing of a hopital ward at Scutari

drawing of the British Hospital and Military Cemetery at Scutari

Happy Hunting-

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