29 Sept. 1809

Whereas information on oath has been received that John BLEAKLEY, late
of Dungannon, in the County of Tyrone, Hearth Money collector,
accompanied by James GREY and John REYNOLDS, constables, went on the
8th day September inst. to the house of Thomas BRYERS of Mullyroden,
in said county, to execute a warrant against the said Thomas BRYERS
and his sons, John BRYERS and James, otherwise David BRYERS for an
assault committed by them on the said
John BLEAKLEY in the execution of his duty, in the collection of the
taxes payable to his Majesty by the said Thos. BRYERS, he the said
John BLEAKLEY, was fired at by the said Thos. BRYERS and received a
wound in the breast, which he immediately afterwards died and that the
said John BRYERS and James, otherwise David BRYERS were present at,
and aiding and assisting in the said murder.

Now we the commissioners of Inland Excise and taxes in Ireland, being
determined to bring the said Thomas BRYERS, John BRYERS and James,
otherwise David BRYERS to condign punishment, do hereby offer a reward
of two hundred pounds, to any person or persons who shall, within six
calendar months from the date hereof, apprehend and lodge in any of
his Majesty's gaols the said Thos. BRYERS and to any person or persons
who within the time aforesaid, apprehend and lodge in any his
Majesty’s gaols the said John BRYERS and James, otherwise David
BRYERS, a further reward of one hundred pounds for each.

The said Thomas BRYERS is about 60 years of age, 5 feet 8 inches high,
round shoulders, brown hair, and sallow complexion.

John BRYERS is about 19 years of age, 5 feet, 9 inches high, dark
brown hair, fair complexion and tight made.

James, otherwise David BRYERS is about 15 years of age, fair hair,
round face, fair complexion, light made and his knees inclining

By order of the Commissioners,
Excise Office, Dublin
21st Sept. 1809

transcribed by Teena from the Saunders Newsletter
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