30 Sept.1851

The SHIRLEY Estate - Cattle Show

The annual show of cattle, produced on the Shirley estates in the
County Monaghan, took place at Carrickmacross, on Monday sen., in the
large green square appropriated to that use since the establishment of
this laudable and useful undertaking. The arrangement of stalls, pens
and other compartments reflected the highest credit upon the exertions
and good taste of Messrs. HUNTER, NEILSON and MURRAY, the
agriculturists on this property. So early as 7 o'clock a.m., the show
yard presented a finish, for convenience and neatness, second to no
other provincial exhibition depot in Ireland. The morning appeared
gloomy and the lowering clouds seemed to give an indication of an
unpleasant day; yet it failed to prove a damper on the ardor of
anxious competitors, who, even at that early hour, were seen to direct
their various specimens of improved breeding to the scene of
attraction.  The Judges appointed for the occasion could not fail to
inspire confidence in the mind of every candidate; the characters of
Messrs. Robt. BOWDEN and Wm. DAVIDSON stand in that exalted position,
which secured for all impartial justice and fair play.

The day cleared up and became beautifully fine; the stalls being all
occupied and a vast attendance of visitors being present, it was
announced that at 12 o’clock the Judges would commence their work. At
that hour precisely Evelyn J. SHIRLEY Esq., arrived, accompanied by
Sir William HEATHCOTE, his sons and Geo. MORANT Esq. and were received
with marked respect, affection and warmth. The judges, after a very
minute inspection, awarded the prizes in accordance with the following
tabular account;

1st Class Bulls
Ist prize - Jas. WHITE, of Coravally
2d prize Thomas MEE, Curkishduff
3d prize Thomas FINEGAN, Drumcarrow
Ten other competitors

2d Class Cows
1st prize - Thos. MARRON Ballyloughan
2d prize - Peter Mee, Greanarogue
3d prize - Andrew M'KITTRICK, Lurgans
Sixteen other competitors

Three Year Old Heifers
1st prize - Andrew MURTHA, Aghalisle
2 prize - Samuel MITCHELL, Clonsedy
3d prize - Robert B. BARTLEY, Carrickmacross
Nine other competitors

Two Year Old Heifers
1st Prize - Joseph M'MAHON, Dromgeny
2d prize - George M'KITTRICK, Carrickmacloon
3d prize - Patt. GINNETY, Drumcarrig
24 competitors

One Year Old Heifers
1st prize - Robert P. BARTLEY, Carrickmacross
2d prize - Thomas Marron, Ballylohan
3d prize - Robert P. BARTLEY, Carrickmacross

1st Class, Boars
1st Prize - Peter LYNARD, Cornalargh
2d prize - John M'CABE, Corduffkelly
3d prize - Catherine CONNOR, Greaghnaroge
Seven other competitors

1st prize -Peter MEE, Greanaroge
2d prize - Thomas MEE, Corcusduff
3d prize - Thos. FINEGAN, Drumcarrow
4th prize - Samuel MITCHELL. Clorseady.
Six other competitors

Honorary Classes
1st class, bulls
1st prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq., Loughfea Castle
2d prize - Mr. Peter KELLY, Tullyallen
3d prize - Mrs. W. George SMITH, Carrickmacross
4th prize - Mr. William LANE, Derrylaven
5th prize - Mr. Peter HOEY, Carrickmacross

Two Year Old Heifers
1st prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq., Loughfea Castle
2d prize - John Thomas HOLLAND Esq.,
3d prize - Mr. Wm. LANE, Derrylarven

Yearling Heifers
1st prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq., Loughfoa Castle
2d prize - George MORANT Esq, Shirley House

Fat Heifers
1st prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq.
2d prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq.
3d prize - Mrs. G. SMITH, Carrickmacross

1st prize - Mr. Wm. LANE, Derrylaven
2d prize - Mr. Wm. LANE, Derrylaven

Brood Sows
1st lot, the property of Evelyn J. SHIRLEY Esq., one boar, one sow and
twelve beautiful suckers. This lot attracted particular admiration.

Second Lot -
Thomas R. BARRY Esq., Carrickmacross
Mrs. Wm. G. SMITH,Carrickmacross

Mr. LANE 1st class ram

1st class - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq.
2d prize - Mr. LANE

Ewe Lambs
1st prize - E. J. SHIRLEY Esq.
2d prize  Mr. LANE

Horses - 1st class - Brood-mare, Mr. LANE; 2d class—Thomas WOODS Corduffkelly

Two Year Old Colts and Fillies - First class colt, Mr. LANE; first
class filly, Mr. Thos. WOODS.

There were amongst extra stock, several lots of very fine cattle, the
property of Edward GIBSON Esq., T. R. BARRY Esq., and Messrs. CAROLAN
and KENNY. There were also a quantity of farming implements, ploughs,
carts &c., and a hand threshing machine, invented by Mr. Wm. BARTON,
millwright, late in the employ of E. J. SHIRLEY Esq.; its construction
is simple and its action easy. It was very much admired. A Belgium
flax ripple was exhibited and viewed with considerable interest.

Some fine specimens of fowl were shown. The Chinese bantam, very
beautiful, Mr. HARRISON, steward and gardener to Geo. MORANT Esq.;
Dorking fowl and Aylesbury ducks, Mr. LAIRE; Muscovy ducks, Morrocco
bantam and black Spanish fowl, by Mr. J. J. CASSIDY; and the Norwegian
bantam, full fledged, by Mr. A. M'KITTRICK.

Mr. HUNTER produced from the model farm, which he conducts with
acknowledged skill and science, some superior samples of Khol-rabi
Bokhari, clover, and excellent home-saved flaxseed. From the district
over which Mr. MURRAY is agriculturist, a few beautiful lots of cattle
came in and were particularly admired. Jas. M'MAHON'S heifer attracted
especial notice. When the day’s business terminated, an entertainment
of the most sumptuous kind, which had been previously ordered at Mr.
CASSIDY'S commercial hotel, was partaken of by the successful and
unsuccessful candidates. Upwards of eighty persons enjoyed together a
delightful evening and separated after drinking to the good health of
their generous landlord, his agent, the judges and a long life and
success to the farmers.

transcribed by Teena from the Newry Telegraph
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