Hello All

The ISBGFH (International Society for British Genealogy and Family
History) is offering a "Military Virtual Institute" on Nov. 23 & 24,
2021. If you had military ancestors from Ulster, the British records
are an important resource.

From the email notice I quote...

This two-day conference will examine the role our British ancestors
played in the service of their monarch and country. This will look at
service between 1760 and 1945, with the main focus on the British Army
between 1870 and 1945.

Day 1

1. Overview – British military research – what survives and where to find it

Where to start
Where to look online and offline
What has been published
What is still to come

2. My ancestor served on the water

Service with the Royal Navy and the Royal Marines
Interpretation of service records
Further sources of information

3.My ancestor served in the air

Service with the Royal Flying Corps, Royal Naval Air Service and Royal Air Force
Interpretation of service records
Further sources of information

4. My ancestor served on the land

Service with the British Army; terms of service
Interpretation of service records
Further sources of information
Focus on muster rolls and pay lists

Day 2
5. The organisation of the regular British Army 1760-1945

The British Army to 1870
The Cardwell Reforms and the Localization Scheme
The British Army 1870-1881
The Childers Reforms and the British Army 1881-1920
The British Army 1920-1945

6. The component parts of the British Army

The Militia, Special Reserve & Extra Reserve
The Volunteers and Terriers

7. Piecing together the jigsaw

Key documents
Using regimental and army numbers to aid research
Working out where soldiers served

8. The essential British Army reference library

Queen’s and King’s regulations
Chronicles, journals and war diaries
Annuals and year books
Autobiography and biography
Summary of the last two days, and close.

ISBGFH Member – $124.00
Non-Member – $144.00


All the best
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