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The following has been transcribed from the Belfast Newsletter, 21 Aug. 1829

County of Down Assizes Downpatrick

Jane CRAWFORD and Mary WILSON for stealing thirteen geese on 7th
August last, the property of John WOODS. Guilty - six months

John CLARKE, sen. and  jun. and George M'ILROY for an assault on
Michael HOOK. John CLARKE, sen. not guilty - other two guilty; one
month imprisonment.

Sarah OWENS for stealing a gown and shift at Newry on 25th May last,
property of Margaret GALLAGHER. Guilty twelve months hard labour.

Samuel CLARK for stealing a case on the 7th July last, property of Mr
Benjamin BRADFORD - Guilty six months hard labour.

James MOYLER for assaulting James SULLIVAN on 2nd July at Ardglass. -
James SULLIVAN, one of the constabulary was coming to Downpatrick; a
man called out to witness to take care of himself; when witness saw
prisoner, who made an attempt to strike him, but witness turned it
aside; he then struck the other man, either with a stone or his fist;
witness and some others took and tied him, he appeared to be insane at
the time - Not guilty being insane at the time he committed the

Mary FERGUSON for the murder of her bastard child on 25th June last. -
Not guilty of murder, but guilty of concealing the birth, two years

Margaret MAGEE for stealing a silver watch and two silk handkerchiefs
on 12th August last, property of Henry Fowler MACKAY Esq. - The
articles were stolen out of a desk which was broken open in
prosecutor's room in Dundalk barracks, where, it was sworn, prisoner
was seen at the time of the robbery; they were traced to a
pawnbroker's in Newry, where they were pawned by prisoner. Guilty to
be transported for seven years.

Eliza BROOKS for stealing a blanket at Newry, property of John RAINEY.
It appeared that prisoner was a lodger in prosecutor's house and on
24th July she took the blanket; Prosecutor missed it soon after and
followed and got her pawning it. Guilty twelve months hard labour.

John FERGUSON for the murder of Patrick CLEARY, a policeman at
Newtownards on 8th Nov. last.

William M'CREADY - Lives at Newtownards; on evening of 8th Nov., there
were a number of persons in witness's house; witness went for deceased
to settle a riot; he came with three more policemen; prisoner was
there; the people were fighting in a room in witness's house; they had
quit fighting when police came, but they stopped to see the house
cleared, when some dispute took place between police and people; did
not see prisoner do anything that night; he was not among the rioters.

Francis MURPHY - Knew Pat. CLEARY; went with him to last witness's
house; there were some people in one of the rooms with their coats
off, but the riot was over; M'CREADY wanted his house cleared; went
forward to prisoner and his cousin, John FERGUSON and wanted them to
go out; CLEARY took prisoner out to the lobby and bade him go horne,
when he struck CLEARY several times with an umbrella; CLEARY died on
17th; witness went several times to see him and he complained of the
pit of the stomach; deceased had no complaint before the affray.
Cross-examined - Prisoner and his cousin were not rioting. CLEARY took
prisoner by the breast before he struck him.

Dr. KILPATRICK - Attended deceased; was first called on 10th Nov.;
complained of symptoms of inflammation about his stomach and chest;
examined the body two days after he died; his liver and stomach were
inflamed; there was no external mark, but one small speck: the
inflammation terminated in gangrene; external violence would produce
inflammation, but often arises without it.

John DUFFIN - Previous to his death, deceased said he had got that the
night he was beat, that he feared he never would get the better of; he
was in a regular state of health before he got the beating; deceased
complained of the beating next morning.


Charles MORROW - Was in M'CREADY's house in prisoner's company at time
police came; there was no rioting in the room where witness and
prisoner was; prisoner had nothing in his hand; prisoner was beat out
of the room with a sword and a stick; the police beat him backwards
out of the room and pursued him down stairs.

Margaret STEWART - Was in M'CREADY's house in the kitchen, when the
riot took place; went up stairs after the police; the first thing
witness saw was prisoner falling on the lobby; knew CLEARY; he was at
the room door with other policemen; prisoner had nothing in his hand;
he got up and ran down stairs and was pursued by two of the police,
who shouted, "kick him, the b_, kick him"; after prisoner got down
stairs saw police striking him with their swords or bayonets and he
called out "murder". Not Guilty.

Chiristopher DOYLE for an assault at Ardglass. Submitted - two months
hard labour and give security in £50 and two sureties in £20.

George GRACE for furnishing fraudulent statements and returns of
certain sums of money on 26th August 1828, he being an officer In his
Majesty's customs at the time - also for furnishing several other
fraudulent accounts. Guilty, but recommended to mercy. - fined in £50
and to be imprisoned for 6 months.

Ann WATSON for uttering a base shilling to Elinor GEORGE at
Downpatrick on 22nd June last. Guilty - 6 months hard labour.

James DOYLE for stealing a silver watch at Banbridge the property of
John WEIR - pleaded guilty.

Sarah KELLY for the murder of her bastard child at Saintfield in April
last - Guilty of concealing the birth- 2 years hard labour.

Thomas CLARK for forcibly taking possession of a farm of land - Thomas
CLARK and Michael CLARK, for a riot and assault on Patrick M'ANALLY -
Not Guilty; no prosecution.

Andrew JOHNSTON, John CARR and Robert CHRISTY for the murder of Hugh
M'VEAGH on 28th March. - Not Guilty

Andrew JOHNSTON, John CARR, Robert CHRISTY, Henry SAVAGE, Richard
riot on 17th March last, at Guinness, barony of Lecale; and Richard
SCANDRELT, for an assault on Pat KELLY; and Andrew JOHNSTON, for an
assault on Andrew ROGAN.

This was a case arising from party-spirit.

The prisoners were Protestants and the prosecutor's party were
Catholics. After several witnesses were examined, it was suggested by
his lordship that as there was a cross case, the other party should be
given in charge to the jury and also be put on their trial, which was
assented to by counsel on both sides; this was done and both parties
were advised to withdraw their plea and submit, in order to lead to a
settlement of the case. His lordship then addressed the prisoners and
recommended them to become friends and ordered them to pay a fine of
6d. each and be discharged.

Margaret M'CANN for the murder of her bastard child on the 18th July
last, at Downpatrick. Guilty of concealing the birth. - 2 years hard

Robert STEWART, Anne STEWART, Sam. STEWART and Geo. DICKSON for taking
forcible possession of a farm of land at Ballymartin on 5th Jan. last
- Not guilty.

James LYNASS who was found guilty of sheep stealing on Monday last,
having been recommended to mercy by the grand jury, was sentenced to
seven years transportation.

Bernard KAIN for an assault on Nancy GRANT, with an intention to
commit a rape, at the house where she was at service, near to
Castlewellan, in July last - Guilty of a com- non assault, to be
imprisoned 3 months.

Catherine RAFFERTY for stealing a snuff box and other articles at
Newry, the property of Michael O'HANLON on 9th August, by picking his
pocket.  Guilty - to be transported for 7 years.

Mary M'MULLAN for stealing goods, the property of Edward GOODMAN at
Downpatrick on 22nd June last. GOODMAN is a pedlar; he lost the goods
off his stall and afterwards found them with prisoner; goods produced
and identified by the person who lost them; to be imprisoned 3 months
at hard labour.

Pat CULLION and Bernard MORGAN for stealing a web of linen cloth at
Newry on 6th August, the property of Thos. PEDEN, from his shop.
CULLION stole the goods and MORGAN was taken up because he was in
company with CULLION. CULLION - Guilty to be imprisoned six months and
kept at hard labour. MORGAN - Not guilty.


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