My syntax was just a bit off...

RELDEF :: include CUI

My examples in the previous note did not have 'include'. You can see some
more info on usage here :

In general definition coverage of SNOMEDCT is not great, so I'm not
surprised by all the zero scores. If you have your own dictionary you can
provide that via the --dict option, and/or you may want to consider other
sources that have more definitions.

More soon,

On Tue, Jul 29, 2014 at 4:41 PM, Ted Pedersen <> wrote:

> I'll post a more detailed answer in the next day or two, but at least
> briefly, when you use RELDEF you are specifying the CUI from which a
> definition is taken.
> So, in the case of
> you are simply saying give me the definition of the CUIs I have specified
> in This is the natural case.
> You can also say things like
> which means give me the definitions of the CUIs I have specified, plus
> those associated with the parents of those CUIs. this is how we created an
> extended gloss overlaps (where the definition of a CUI includes the
> definition of the CUI itself plus the definitions of its parents).
> RELDEF :: TERM means that rather than using a definition, you use the
> associated terms of the given CUIs in place of a definition.
> So, that's a start of a response, I'll continue with more in the next day
> or two.
> Cordially,
> Ted
> On Mon, Jul 28, 2014 at 6:02 PM,
> [umls-similarity] <> wrote:
>> Hi
>> The Lesk algorithm computes similarity between glosses of two concepts.
>> As per the article (Banerjee and Pedersen 2002) an overlap is computed as
>> the longest sequence of one or more consecutive words.
>> I ran lesk (UMLS3013AA) on a set of 58K pairs using
>> config1
>> and almost all pairs had a score of -1.
>> But with
>> config2
>> has a number of positive scores.
>> I would like to know
>> 1. What exactly is the gloss when RELDEF has TERM ? Is it the str column
>> in the mrconso table of that cui ?
>> 2. As per my understanding of the documentation, CUI in RELDEF implies
>> that the cui definition is fetched from the mrdef table, which is treated
>> as a gloss. Is this correct ? If CUI is not specified, what is the gloss ?
>> In either case i am unable to understand why config1 gets no output.
>> The concepts i am working on have been extracted from a dataset
>> associated with the same disease. I ran similarity measures on them many
>> yield positive output for similarity.
>> 3. The published paper is for WordNet and the configurations are specific
>> to UMLS. It would be great if you can provide brief commentary on what
>> constitutes a gloss for different options in UMLS.
>> Thanks,
>> Chaitanya.
> --
> Ted Pedersen

Ted Pedersen

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