We are pleased to announce the release of:

UMLS::Similarity version 1.45
UMLS::Interface version 1.43

The current release of UMLS-Similarity contains five new measures:

 1. Pekar and Staab 2002 (pks)
 2. Batet, et al 2011 (batet)
 3. Sanchez et al 2012 (sanchez)
 4. Pirro and Euzenat 2010 (faith)
 5. Maedche and Staab 2001 (cmatch)

The current release of UMLS-Interface contains the functionality to support

To use these measures with umls-similarity.pl the --measure option is
available. For example:

umls-similarity.pl --measure pks hand skull
umls-similarity.pl --measure cmatch hand skull

You can download the packages here :



Please let us know if you have any questions!

Thank you,


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