Ok…I’m sorry, I’ll try to be more clear…I ran metamorphosis to create a new 
umls subset. At a certain point it is possible to apply filters to obtain a 
subset of the umls (it’s what metamorphosis is meant for), so I selected the 
language filter to exclude non english sources and the semantic type filter to 
have only T024 and T023 semantic types. Then I simply executed their script to 
save the data into mysql tables. I wanted to include all the sources in T024 
and T023 semantic types so I used UMLS_ALL in my configuration file.  The 
removeConfigData doesn’t work. As a solution I simply drop the the index 
database. None of the issues is solved, even when selecting only SNOMEDCT_US as 
source and PAR/CHD as relationships in the config file.  

Eugenia Galeota, PhD 
Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM
Computational Epigenomics
Email: eugenia.gale...@iit.it
Tel: +39 02 9437 5046
Via Adamello 16, 20139 Milan, Italy

On 08 Oct 2014, at 22:30, Bridget McInnes btmcin...@gmail.com [umls-similarity] 
<umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:

> Hello Eugenia,
> I am not completely certain what you mean by a UMLS subset with only two 
> semantic types, but I know that there are many subset configuration that I am 
> not aware of or use. Are you able to build the index over smaller sets of 
> sources/relation (e.g. MSH with the PAR/CHD relations) in the UMLS now? Does 
> the removeConfigData.pl program work? Or are those not resolved? 
> Thank you!
> Bridget
> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 10:19 AM, Eugenia Galeota eugenia.gale...@iit.it 
> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> yes the problem is that at the end of the code the index is not builded 
> completely and the removeConfigData.pl is not working (see the error in 
> previous message). I had this problem while I was using an UMLS subset with 
> only two semantic types obtained using Metamorphosis. 
> After noticing the first error I tried to build an index over the entire UMLS 
> and this time the program seems to never end. I was also keeping track of the 
> queries and in my general log table there where more than 5 million queries 
> on umls and umlsindex databases.
> After your message I stopped the execution to add the realtime option as you 
> suggested. As before I’m logging the queries. Actually after more than one 
> hour I can count about 1800000 selects on cuis and the program is still 
> running. My configuration file is simply
> SAB :: include UMLS_ALL
> REL :: include PAR, CHD
> while the other parameters (database, password, socket…, and now realtime) 
> are specified in the code as you can see in the previous message.
> Thanks for your help,
> Eugenia     
> Eugenia Galeota, PhD 
> Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM
> Computational Epigenomics
> Email: eugenia.gale...@iit.it
> Tel: +39 02 9437 5046
> Via Adamello 16, 20139 Milan, Italy
> On 08 Oct 2014, at 14:33, Bridget McInnes btmcin...@gmail.com 
> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Hi Eugenia,
>> I apologize that things are not running smoothly. I would like to verify a 
>> few things with you: 
>> 1. the problem is that the index will not build; and removing the index 
>> using the removeConfigData.pl is not working? What configuration file where 
>> you using for this? 
>> 2. you are running the index over the entire UMLS? If so, we recommend that 
>> you use the --realtime option if you would like to take the similarity 
>> scores between concepts using the path information from the entire UMLS. The 
>> UMLS is so large, that there is typically not enough space to store all the 
>> path-to-root information for all the CUIs. The --realtime option allows the 
>> path information to be collected on the fly. It takes a little longer 
>> though; so we created the index for smaller sources/relation configurations 
>> and the --realtime option for the larger configurations. I hope that makes 
>> sense. Please let me know if it does not.
>> Thank you!
>> Best regards,
>> Bridget
>> On Wed, Oct 8, 2014 at 7:09 AM, Eugenia Galeota eugenia.gale...@iit.it 
>> [umls-similarity] <umls-similarity@yahoogroups.com> wrote:
>> Dear developers,
>>  I’ve been trying in many ways to let UMLS::Similarity work, but it seems 
>> that there are some problems  I’m not able to solve. Initially I had issues 
>> with my.cnf and mysql.socket. I had different versions of the same files, 
>> then the mysql.socket disappeared from the /tmp folder. Actually they seems 
>> to be solved, since I completely removed any previous mysql server 
>> installation and reinstalled the latest version using brew on my mac. I was 
>> using UMLS similarity on a small subset with only two semantic types created 
>> using Metamorphosys. I tested some of the Interface methods and they seems 
>> to be working, anyway when trying to create an index to use with umps 
>> similarity I always get the following error
>> ERROR: UMLS::Interface::PathFinder->_checkIndex
>> Index Error (Error Code 9).
>> Index did not complete. Remove using the removeConfigData.pl program and 
>> re-run.
>> and when I try to use the removeConfigData.pl to rebuild it from scratch the 
>> program never ends (it is still running since last friday). 
>> I thought that another possibility is that in some way the Pathfinder module 
>> cannot build the paths to the root of the UMLS because tables in mysql  
>> don't contain the UMLS root concept C0000000 and its relationships. By 
>> looking at the code I still wasn’t able to understand how the path from 
>> concepts without a parent to the UMLS root is created. I found a call at a 
>> certain point to some function getCuiChildren where the passed cui string 
>> seems to be an empty string empty. I also modified the my.cnf file as you 
>> specify in the documentation of the perl module. 
>> Finally I’m trying to do the same operations on the entire UMLS database. My 
>> code is the following 
>> use lib '/Library/Perl/5.16/';
>> use UMLS::Interface;
>> use UMLS::Similarity::lin;
>>  %params = ();
>>  $params{"intrinsic"} = "sanchez";
>>  $params{"username"} = "egaleota";
>>  $params{"password"} = “password";
>>  $params{"socket"} = "/tmp/mysql.sock";
>>  $params{"config"} = 
>> "/Users/egaleota/umls/UMLS-Interface-1.41/myconfig.conf";
>>  #$cuifinder = UMLS::Interface::CuiFinder->new(\%params);
>> my $umls = UMLS::Interface->new(\%params);
>> die "Unable to create UMLS::Interface object.\n" if(!$umls);
>> $paramtri{"intrinsic"}="sanchez";
>> my $lin = UMLS::Similarity::lin->new($umls, \%paramtri);
>> #die "Unable to create measure object.\n" if(!$lin);
>> my $cui1 = "C0459385";
>> my $cui2 = "C0440746";
>> $ts1 = $umls->getTermList($cui1);
>> my $term1 = pop @{$ts1};
>> $ts2 = $umls->getTermList($cui2);
>> my $term2 = pop @{$ts2};
>> my $value = $lin->getRelatedness($cui1, $cui2);
>> print "The similarity between $cui1 ($term1) and $cui2 ($term2) is $value\n";
>> Actually I’m running the code above. The index seems to be in creation 
>> phase. When  I check for the current queries in the db I obtain results like 
>> the following which let me believe that the problems are not related to how 
>> perl communicates with mysql
>> +----+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | Id | User     | Host      | db                 | Command | Time | State    
>>   | Info                                                                     
>>                             |
>> +----+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+------------+------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------+
>> | 51 | egaleota | localhost | umls               | Query   |    0 | 
>> statistics | select distinct CUI2 from MRREL where CUI1='C3135343' and 
>> ((REL='CHD') ) and CUI2!='C3135343' and SU |
>> | 52 | egaleota | localhost | umlsinterfaceindex | Sleep   |    0 |          
>>   | NULL                                                                     
>>                             |
>> | 54 | egaleota | localhost | NULL               | Query   |    0 | init     
>>   | show processlist                                                         
>>                             |
>> +----+----------+-----------+--------------------+---------+------+------------+------------------
>> Since all this tasks are really time consuming I was kindly wondering if you 
>> could help me to solve this issues. Thanks,
>> Eugenia Galeota, PhD 
>> Center for Genomic Science of IIT@SEMM
>> Computational Epigenomics
>> Email: eugenia.gale...@iit.it
>> Tel: +39 02 9437 5046
>> Via Adamello 16, 20139 Milan, Italy

  • [umls-similarity]... Eugenia Galeota eugenia.gale...@iit.it [umls-similarity]
    • Re: [umls-si... Bridget McInnes btmcin...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
      • Re: [uml... Eugenia Galeota eugenia.gale...@iit.it [umls-similarity]
        • Re: ... Bridget McInnes btmcin...@gmail.com [umls-similarity]
          • ... Eugenia Galeota eugenia.gale...@iit.it [umls-similarity]

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