Hello. I'm getting a simple error but I don't know how to solve it. 

 While performing make test:

 DBI connect('umls;mysql_read_default_group=client;','',...) failed: Access 
denied for user 'jon'@'localhost' (using password: NO) at 
/home/jon/UMLS/UMLS-Interface-1.51/blib/lib/UMLS/Interface/CuiFinder.pm line 

 I have a password, but I don't know how can I supply it during the 
My desire is to make the tests & installation work for both the UMLS 
Interface/similarity in order to find similarity & relatedness between words. 
 If there exists some web-server that I can query for similarity, it might be a 
good detour. 

 # Tries:

 1. Trying to install with cpanm
 (base) jon@jon:~/UMLS/UMLS-Interface-1.51$ sudo cpanm UMLS::Interface
 UMLS::Interface is up to date. (1.51)

 Here it looks installed ok, but then I have the same problem with 
UMLS-SIMILARITY on the make test. 

 2. Trying to install with :
perl Makefile.PL
 make test
 make install


 (base) jon@jon:~/UMLS/UMLS-Interface-1.51$ perl Makefile.PL
 Checking if your kit is complete...
 Warning: the following files are missing in your kit:
 Please inform the author.
 Generating a Unix-style Makefile
 Writing Makefile for UMLS::Interface
 Writing MYMETA.yml and MYMETA.json

 And then on the 'make test' I get the database error (Access denied for user 
'jon'@'localhost' (using password: NO)

 3. I've searched where I can supply config file / mysql password in 
UMLS-Interface or UMLS-Similarity packages. Didn't find. 

 4. I've tried to install DBI & DBD in several methods, all routes gets me to 
the same error. 

 How can I solve it? 

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