Patrick J. LoPresti wrote:
Jordan Share <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

I've been meaning to experiment with this, but it'd be super-nice if
the script were able to output to the serial port instead
of/as well as the console.

For the DOS boot disk, I think this is just a property of your BIOS;
either it supports using serial as a console, or it doesn't.  DOS uses
the BIOS for I/O; I believe that is what the the "IO" in "BIOS" is all
about :-).  But I could be wrong.  Have you tried it?

For Linux, I have added support for serial hardware and serial console
to the kernel for 4.0.  So you should be able just to boot the kernel
with the option "console=ttyS0,9600" or somesuch.  If you are booting
from the network, you can do this by editing the "append" line in
tftpboot/pxelinux.cfg/default.  If not...  Then it's harder.

Are you booting these systems from floppy, CD, or network?

 - Pat


Yes, this can be a BIOS option, but DOS can also do something like this.  Take a look here:

Brian Mathis

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