"Jeffrey A. Kirby" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I've been having trouble trying to get mapznrun.bat and postinst.bat to
> run after the initial OS install.  I'm running my own unattend.txt in
> install/site.  Text of the _meta section is below.

Ah, that would be a problem...  Not all of those settings are really
meant to be user-tweakable.

> Another potential issue is that my samba share isn't called
> ntinstall\install.  I think I've fixed this (had to change it both
> in my bootdisks and in install/bin/mapznrun.bat which has it hard
> coded).  I've also grepped for it in the rest of the install tree.

That is not necessary.  Once you get the mapznrun thing corrected, the
install.pl script will create "tempcreds.bat" and "permcreds.bat"
files with the correct values.  Just fix it on the bootdisk and you
will be all set.

> So the problems:
>       - mapznrun.bat isn't being copied to c:\netinst
>       - postinst.bat isn't being created (it's blank when I edit it at
> the "do you want to edit" point in the install).
> You'll note this is true even though I've got top, middle, and bottom
> defined.
> Any ideas?

The code which produce the value for [_meta]/postinst also creates the
file.  So you should omit the "postinst=" settings from your [_meta]

In general, I suggest omitting any settings which you do not want to

> [_meta]
>     netinst = C:\netinst

Omit, since this is the default.

>     postinst = C:\netinst\postinst.bat

Omit, since otherwise postinst.bat will not be created.

>     ntp_servers =

This is fine.

>     autolog = "autolog.pl --logon=0"

Omit (default).

>     z_password = password
>     z_drive = Z:
>     z_user = user
>     z_path = \\myserver\unattended

Omit, since these will be set automatically from the values on the
boot disk.

>     os_dir = Z:\os

Omit (default).

>     OS_media = Z:\os\winxpsp1

This is fine.

>     edit_files = 1

Omit (default).

>     fdisk_lba = 1
>     fdisk_confirm = 0
>     replace_mbr = 1
>     fdisk_cmds="fdisk /clear 1;fdisk /prio:2000;fdisk /activate:1"
>     format_cmd="format /y /q /v: c:"
>     doit_cmds = "z:;cd Z:\os\winxpsp1\i386;winnt /rx:lang
> /s:Z:\os\winxpsp1\i386 /u:C:\netinst\unattend.txt"
>     local_admin_group = Administrators
>     ; First script run by postinst.bat
>     top=base.bat
>     ; Optional script(s) run by postinst.bat
>     middle=officexp.bat
>     ; Last script(s) run by postinst.bat
>     bottom=""

These are all fine.

And yes, this should definitely be documented better.

 - Pat

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