> Package Management
> ***********************
> I was reading through the mail list archives and saw that
> package management
> is something that is needed/wanted.  I agree wholeheartedly.
> good fit. Having a
> central registry of all these "packages" that we can sync to
> would be ideal.
> Letting "maintainers" update these packages would be even
> better. Has anyone
> put specific thought into this? If so, what was it? And, what
> would be the
> next steps? If we all need it and it is just going to need
> someone to write
> it I would like to volunteer. My expertise is in web
> programming anyway,
> that seems a logical way to do it. I have a ton of bandwidth
> at work (I am
> on a university campus) and could have a test server up nice
> a quick. If no
> one else has really looked into this I can start to formalize
> my thoughts
> and present a design recommendation to the list.

If you're thinking of a "Package" being something like "Patch Q123456", or
"Adobe Reader 6.0", then you're going to come against problems with
redistribution, because unlike Gentoo's portage tree, most of the packages
you'll make for Windows don't allow free redistribution of the program, so
the best you can do is to provide the installer files for the package, and
have the user drop the package files into the portage tree on their local

For all that, I think that it's a ripper of an idea to do this, as the
biggest problem I've got is making all the shitty little apps in use here
install automatically, and I'd *love* it if I could contribute the ones I've
done in exchange for the ones that other people have done.  Maybe little zip
files full of batch scripts and such to install various applications, which
people download, stick in their own "ports" tree, and then follow the simple
instructions on how to get the program files themselves in there from the CD
or original website or whatever.

> Post Install Usage
> ***********************
> Or, Client Package Management. The other side of the coin is
> that if our
> servers are updated with the latest packages how do we keep the client
> machines going. I know that this is a little out of the scope of an
> Unattended install project, but like I mentioned above ...

Keeping client machines up to date is something I'm wanting to work on (when
I find the time).  I've played around a bit with using Makefiles for each of
the software packages I use, which create stamp files on the client to tell
it what the state of the machine is.  After (for instance) adding a new
version of the software to the Unattended tree, including updating the
package's makefile for the new version, a rerun of the master Makefile
(customised for the machine's software load, or using database info (see
below)) will see the new version in the package makefile and run the
appropriate commands to make the update.

There's probably a better way (less fragile), but It Seems To Work For Me.

> * Administrative interface: Here is an example -- I know I am
> having a new
> user start, they are going to get the base install, the sales
> install, and a
> couple of other apps too. I log in to the web interface of my
> Unattended
> server, select the machine from my inventory, select the os,
> select base,
> sales, then select the other applications from my catalog of
> installs. This

Aaah, a man after my own heart.  See below.

> * License counts: Now I am just wishing aren't I? If I have a
> fixed amount
> of licenses for a specific application I can decrement that
> number when it
> is selected from the interface (or maybe when it is
> installed), unless the
> user is already licensed for it...etc etc

You may or may not be aware of the existence of a nice little webapp called
IRM.  It can do machine, user, licence, networking tracking, (and soon
peripherals).  My "dream" (called that because I want to do it but have no
clear plan on when or how) is to integrate Unattended and IRM, as follows:

* Machines are set up in IRM, and are obviously tagged by MAC address and
hostname, which the DHCP server uses to assign addresses and whatnot.

* Unattended also gets this information out of the IRM database (I'm also
thinking of converting a lot of IRM's database backend to LDAP, because LDAP
is more suited to the task), so it knows what the machine's hostname and
such are.  Other random settings can probably be set in the unattend.txt

* IRM stores information on software installations (including, soon, licence
numbers assigned to individual machines), and could have information on
where in the Unattended tree the individual software packages are (and the
installation script to use).  Unattended could use this information to
install the software packages assigned to each machine.

> If so, what kinds of technologies would you like to see used?

IRM is true LAMP.  I'm starting to use PgSQL for some of my projects, as the
whole relationships thing (as well as triggers and stored procs) is starting
to become necessary for my work, but MySQL works nicely for most purposes.

- Matt

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