Hi Thomas,

> While browsing the archive I've come at least twice across postings
> asking for putting the ProfilesDir on another partition.
I've been searching for such a solution, too, so thanx for your approach.
Nevertheless, I've some thoughts about it.

> I have worked out the following solution:
> My Setup: Drive C: Windows, Drive D: Applications, Drive E: Documents
> and Settings
> Put the following code in your site/config.pl
> ...

I think, there should be something to warn about erasing the full drive,
'cause the function
with the question according to "fdisk_confirm" isn't called here ... =8-<

It would be better, too, if we could distinguish between the system
and the data partition(s), e. g.
Only C:        -> partition_cmds_system
Whole Disk: -> partition_cmds

In case of installation we can decide to partition the whole drive
or just renew the system partition without data partition(s).

So, I've got a slightly different solution here. I'm no perl programmer,
but it seems to work here (I've reduced the setup to
two partitions, but this surely can be changed):

In unattended.txt:
partition_cmds="parted /dev/dsk mklabel msdos;parted /dev/dsk mkpart
primary fat32 0 4000;parted -- /dev/dsk mkpart   extended 10000
-0;parted -- /dev/dsk mkpart logical fat32 10000 -0;sleep 2;parted
/dev/dsk set 1 boot    on;make-blkdev-nodes hda;mkfs.vfat /dev/dsk1 -F
32;mkfs.vfat /dev/dsk5 -F 32"

partition_cmds_sys="parted /dev/dsk rm 1; parted /dev/dsk mkpart primary
fat32 0 4000; parted /dev/dsk set 1 boot   on;make-blkdev-nodes
hda;mkfs.vfat /dev/dsk1 -F 32;"

; if the drive isn't partitioned, we have to delete the C: drive and
; format it

Just for the protocol:
The "--" after "parted" are to indicate, that there are no options to
(needed if there is a "-0" in the command)  - had to fined that out, too ...

In config.pl:
sub my_partition_cmds {
      chdir ("/usr/sbin");
      symlink "/z/linuxaux/usr/sbin/mkfs.vfat", "mkfs.vfat";
      chdir ("/");

      my $partition_cmds = $u->{'_meta'}->{'partition_cmds'};
    defined $partition_cmds
        or $partition_cmds = $u->{'_meta'}->{'partition_cmds_sys'}
        or return undef ;

  while (1) {
        or last;

        print "\n";
        print "About to PARTITION the WHOLE FIRST HARD DRIVE!\n\n";
        print "WARNING: This operation erases the disk!\n";
        print "If unsure, say NO, and ONLY C: will be DELETED.\n";
        print "If you won't neither, press CTRL-ALT-DEL!\n";
        yes_no_choice ("Are you sure")
            and last;

        $partition_cmds = '';
        $partition_cmds = $u->{'_meta'}->{'partition_cmds_sys'};
            defined $partition_cmds
                or return undef;
      foreach my $cmd (split /;/, $partition_cmds) {
        print "Executing command to partition: $cmd...\n";
        system ("$cmd");

$u->{'_meta'}->{'fdisk_cmds'} = \&my_partition_cmds;

I think, there should be a test, if we are under linux, with the
"$is_linux" function, too.
But this isn't relevant for me.

What script have you got for converting the D:,E: ... partitions to ntfs?
As you use a separate partition for programsdir: do you change
the default programs dir via registry?

Best regards,


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