Title: Message
Hi Rafal,
(Sorry for the double msg, accidentally sent the last one *sigh*) 
How are you calling this script? Given that the environment variables set only scope to the current DOS promt...

Hello Everybody,


i have a Idea for a better Keys.bat with is use a .csv-File for the keys of Office and more

You can enter more Keys for one Product, it will use the computername to select the right key.



:: You need the Keys.csv where you can input the keys for the Software like Office, Visual Studio, Nero ...

:: Every Key can be bind to a computername or set as Default.

:: The keys.csv looks like this


:: for Default Keys it's looks like that

:: "$Default","SOFTWARE","PRODUKT KEY"




FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1,2,3* delims=," %%i IN (%Z%\site\keys.csv) DO (

if $Default==%%~i (set %%~j=%%~k)



FOR /F "eol=# tokens=1,2,3* delims=," %%i IN (%Z%\site\keys.csv) DO (

if %computername%==%%~i (set %%~j=%%~k)














  Rafal Welk 


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