Hi List,

I've been battling this on and off for a few weeks now.

I'd like to use ppm (supplied with activestate perl) to install the
Bioperl modules.

I've created a text file with the commands to run (add repositories,
install modules, exit) and running from c:\> like this works:
c:\> ppm --file <path to install commands>

The repositories get added, the modules are downloaded and installed and
ppm exits.

For some reason, I can't seem to make this happen under todo.  I've
tried various combinations of start /wait (also tried with /B), running
under a secondary cmd, etc.  Nothing seems to happen except a triggering
of the perl msi package.  I've hard coded the path to ppm.bat, etc as

I'd appreciate any help on this as I'm scratching my head right now...

Ben Walton
Systems Programmer
Office of Planning & IT
Faculty of Arts & Science
University of Toronto
Cell: 416.407.5610
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