On Nov 16, 2007 3:52 PM, Maurice Libes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

>>  Never mind, I'm trying the driverpack stuff out now and it seems to
>> run place itself before the windows setup program.
>  yes that's right
> >  Apparently, you can put ("slipstream") drivers into the windows media
> >(read: z:\os\winnnnnspn or something), so you don't need to copy them
> >manually, as far as I understand.
>  yes this is quite automatic modulo a little hack
>  the method #2 from DPS_Base.exe (driverpack.net)  do all  the job
>  but you have to do some hack with the unattended method from sourceforge,
> in order to make it work
>  I try to resume:
>  let's say your master Windows stays on D:\WXP
>  1. with method #2 from driverpack the drivers are put in 7zip in a
> directory called OEM
>  so at the root file system in D:\WXP\OEM
>  this method also generate the presetup.cmd  file (look into this file you
> will understand what it is done)
>  2. as sourceforge-unattended works on the I386 directory you must copy this
> OEM driver directory to I386/OEM
>  copy D:\WXP\OEM D:\WXP\OEM\I386
>  3. copy the entire I386 to your NTinstall unattended server by instance
> ~/os/winxpsp2/
>  4. as the Pyron method works on C:\OEM , at install time (more exactly
> before install time) you have to copy back the I386\OEM driver directory
> from the unattended server  to C: on the client PC
>  we do this action by the way of the unattend.txt file
>  just like that, at this stage
>     doit_cmds = "Z:;cd Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386;xcopy OEM c:\OEM /Y /E /I; winnt
> /rx:
>  lang /s:Z:\os\winxpsp2\i386 /u:C:\netinst\unattend.txt"

Hmm, normally everything in the $oem$\$1 directory is copied to the
root of c:. I'm going to try copy (or symlink on my samba server) that
i386\OEM directory to $oem$\$1. It'll probably take away the need to
hack unattend.txt.

>  seems to work here
>  hope this helps
>  M
>  --
>  Maurice Libes
> Tel : +33 (04) 91 82 93 25 Centre d'Oceanologie de Marseille
> Fax : +33 (04) 91 82 93 03 UMS2196CNRS- Campus de Luminy, Case 901
>  F-13288 Marseille cedex 9
> Veuillez noter ma nouvelle adresse ==> [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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