On Fri, May 2, 2008 at 1:06 AM, Juan Jose Pablos <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Don Fryers escribió:
> > None of this makes sense to me because I don't know how to run this
> > script. When I double click on it in the 'tools' directory, a pop-up
> > windows asks me which program I would like to use to open the file.
> >
> uses perl. maybe someone that has the windows server can help you out.

I'm not sure which script you are talking about, something got cut off in
the email chain and it's not in the archives.

However, Don, have you installed Perl and cygwin on the server?  I just got
Unattended up and running in a pure Windows environment, after a bit of
beating my head against a wall.  The wall or my head gave way, I'm not sure
which yet, but I do have a much better understanding of Unattended than I
did a couple of years ago when I tried it.

I ended up doing the same thing you did, named the server ntinstall and just
"bypassed" the entire DNS modifications needed.

Once you have ActiveState's Perl installed double-clicking on a .pl file
will execute it.  I don't know if the scripts that ship with Unattended will
function correctly that way or not, I've only ran them in a cygwin
environment.  If we're talking about the prepare or update-script, they
require wget, so make sure you have that as well, either add that to cygwin
when installing or grab GNU Utils for Win32 http://unxutils.sourceforge.net/

Any questions?  Just ask, I'll try to share what I've learned setting
Unattended up in a Windows only environment.  So far the only trouble I've
had is rebuilding the ISO in cygwin, I don't think it's possible.  I've
searched the archives and pretty much found the same answer.  My next step
for that is dual-booting Ubuntu.

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