On Thu, 16 Jan 2020 at 04:22, Brendan Konings via unbound-users <
unbound-users@lists.nlnetlabs.nl> wrote:

> Hello All,
> I have set up a Debian 10 container in Proxmox, for the purpose of running
> pi-hole. This works fine.
> I installed Unbound from apt, and configured as per these instructions:
> https://docs.pi-hole.net/guides/unbound
> I reach the point of testing Unbound (before plugging in to pihole, so
> effectively a stand alone installation at this point), but the testing
> fails. Any dig sent to @ -p 5353 (Unbound) returns SERVFAIL.
> I have tried working out the issue with the pihole team, but my
> configuration matches other working systems, so something seems to be going
> wrong with my Unbound installation, or the OS environment it is running in.
> Has anyone had issues running Unbound in a CT/Proxmox?
> Kind Regards,
> Brendan J Konings, BEng(Electronics)(Hons), BCompSc
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is yout time corrects on that box?

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