
> Am 10.02.2020 um 14:18 schrieb Daniel Ryšlink <rysl...@dialtelecom.cz>:
> After that, increase debug level and check the debug log to see how the 
> queries are processed - if the server fails, the debug log should contain 
> exact infromation why it happens.

Can one increase the debug level for the already running process like
"rndc trace" for a running BIND named?

The problem arises very infrequently, so we did not want to have
the debug log active permanently on all hosts (about 100 of them).
Yet, once one of the unbound processes shows the problem, our
Icinga will alarm us, so we can investigate ...

punkt.de GmbH
Patrick M. Hausen

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76133 Karlsruhe

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Geschäftsführer: Jürgen Egeling, Daniel Lienert, Fabian Stein

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