At 10:15 AM -0800 9/25/00, John Cowan wrote:
>Michael Everson wrote:
>>  A Swedish informant here says that "rotvälska" means 'gibberish,
>>  incomprehensible language'.
>Nicely parallel to the Greek use of "vlakhika" in the same sense.
>There is also the word "fragkovlakhika", which I particularly cherish,
>meaning "Greek written in Latin letters in order to overcome the
>limitations of 7-bit email."
>There is / one art                   || John Cowan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
>no more / no less                    ||
>to do / all things                   ||
>with art- / lessness                 \\ -- Piet Hein

In contrast with Bertrand Russell's practice of writing his diary in 
English with Greek letters on the theory that nobody would bother 
with it after the first glance.

Edward Cherlin
"A knot!" exclaimed Alice. "Oh, do let me help to undo it."
Alice in Wonderland

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