Add to the list Brahui (spoken in Pakistan, mostly in Baluchistan province),
Darri, and Parkari (spoken in areas of Thar desert area bordering Pakistan
and India). About 12 years ago I had made a font for Parkari language at the
request of Christian missionaries who published translation of Bible in
Parkari language.

Thanks for compiling such comprehensive list.

Abdul-Majid Bhurgri

----- Original Message -----
From: "Elaine Keown" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
To: "Unicode List" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Monday, December 04, 2000 2:20 PM
Subject: [OT] Arabic script langs in 3.0 ; list?

> Hello,
> Unicode 3.0 mentions 11 contemporary languages written in Arabic, most
from Central Asia, none from Africa except Arabic---Berber is not mentioned.
Is Arabic script no longer used south of the Sahara? Or does standard Arabic
script easily cover relevant African languages?
> My usually excellent university library did not answer this question also:
today how many languages are written in Arabic script?
> I can only find 25:  Arabic  Balti  Baluchi  Berber  Farsi  Hausa  Karaite
Kashmiri  Kazakh  Kirghiz Kurmanji  Luri  Mazanderani   Moplah
Panjabi---Pakistani    Pashto   Pulaar  Sindhi  Siraiki (also known as
Saraiki or Lahnda or Western Panjabi)   Sulu   Uighur   Urdu   Uzbek  Wolof
> Help appreciated with improving my list-----Elaine
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