* Jukka Korpela
| Unless I'm missing something as usual, GBK is a Microsoft extension
| to GB 2312, so the resources at
| http://www.microsoft.com/typography/unicode/unicodecp.htm
| might be relevant, specifically the text file
| http://www.microsoft.com/typography/unicode/936.txt
| which looks like a GBK to Unicode mapping table.

It does indeed look like such a mapping table, but I did not really
trust myself to be right on that and to interpret it correctly. I
have, however, gotten another mapping table off-list now, so that I
can compare the two and see if they match up.
| I tried to find some sample pages in CGK encoding at
| http://www.chinesecomputing.com/ but didn't find anything.

Nor did I, but thank you anyway. This looks like a very useful site.

--Lars M.

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