Thanks Mike. I added "portability" to the standards bullet.
I think the issue of acceptance is addressed in another bullet.

J M Sykes wrote:
> Ironically, it's what Unicode adds to the ISO standard that increases the
> probability of uniform behaviour.
> You might also note that standards (at any level, but the higher the better)
> assist both application and people portability - as long as folks conform.
> There is a long history of standards that have failed because no one ever
> conformed to them, for whatever reason. However, UCS is hardly likely to be
> one of them, if only because there is, as a notorious British prime minister
> so memorably said "no alternative".
> ("What did she so memorably say it about?", I hear you ask. Sorry, that
> wasn't the memorable bit ;-)
> Mike.
Title: Unicode Benefits
Benefits of Unicode
Allows for multilingual documents using any or all the languages you desire. Invoice or ticketing applications can print native language names.
One set of algorithms for processing text reduces development and support costs, improves time-to-market, and allows for single version of source code. Applications can be marketed globally the day of initial release.
ISO Standards insure interoperability and portability by prescribing conformant behavior. Applications process text consistently and conformance is verifiable.
Worldwide deployment capability. Text can be sent from any part of the world to any other part.
Support by most, if not all, modern technologies allows easy integration. Applications can exchange text without conversion loss or errors.
Widespread industry support provides platform and vendor independence. Microsoft, HP, IBM, Sun operating systems,
Oracle, Microsoft, Progress databases,
and many others support Unicode. See
Practical and apolitical design due to the diverse, international, industry and academic membership of the Unicode Consortium. Members include computer corporations, software producers, database vendors, research institutions, international agencies, user groups, and linguistic specialists. See
Easy conversion from legacy code pages. Unicode's comprehensive character set is a superset of existing code pages. Numerous cross mapping tables provided at:
Internet-ready for use in E-business. Internet standards, such as XML, Perl, Java and JavaScript are Unicode-based
Continuous evolution extends application lifetime and expands capabilities to meet future needs. Unicode Version 3.0 added 25,000+ characters and new technical specifications that improved, for example, Middle Eastern language support.

Created by Tex Texin

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