On Tue, Feb 20, 2001 at 12:32:01 +0000, Otto Stolz wrote:

> > That's why I made and posted CSX mapping.  There are a LOT of old
> > CSX-encoded material.  With this mapping I can use existing software
> > (like the mentioned perl module) to convert it to Unicode and use
> > emacs to view/edit it.
> This implicetly answers the original question from Krishna Desikachary:
> > Does a Unicode standard exist for these characters?

Exactly.  All these chars could be encoded with Unicode and one can
use the CSX mapping table I've sent to the lsit with existing programs
to convert texts in legacy CSX encoding to Unicode.  I should have
been more explicit about this perhaps.

> It could be helpful to have your mapping (or a link to it) in the
> Unicode.org WWW pages, cf.
> <http://www.unicode.org/unicode/faq/mappings/mappings.html>.

Some time ago I sumbitted it to Mark Leisher for inclustion to his
CSets collection


as CSX &co are not "official" standards.  I haven't heard back from
him yet.

SY, Uwe
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