Dear Unicoders,

again, I have inadvertently sent a contribution to a member rather than
to the whole list, because the Unicode list sets the Reply-to header in
an utmost inconvenient and unexpected manner.

Here is a copy for the list. I hope I will not mistype the address.
I really wish that I simply could use the reply-to-sender function
of my MUA to answer to the Unicode list.

Best wishes,
   Otto Stolz

--- Forwarded mail from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ("Otto Stolz")

Date: Wed, 21 Feb 2001 19:21:25 +0000

In a message dated 2001-02-21 07:03:46 Pacific Standard Time,
> What is the function of ASCII control code 0x7F (DEL) in text interchange?

Am 2001-02-21 um 16:24 h hat [EMAIL PROTECTED] geschrieben:
> In MS-DOS, the TYPE command displays the glyph associated with

But this is not because it's ASCII DEL, but rather because it's
HOUSE (IBM character designator SM790000), in CP 437 and CP 850.

I have donated my IBM books on character encoding to somebody who will
use them better than I could. From what I remember, the DOS codes came
in two flavours: the "Display code" which placed graphic characters in
255 of the 256 codepoints available, and the "Data code" which contained
the ASCII control characters, in their proper places (mostly). So,
CP 437 Display has the HOUSE at 0x7F, whilst CP 437 Data has the DEL-
control at 0x7F. If you send the bytes to the display (physical, or
emulated), Data code is assumed, so the HOUSE will be displayed.

I reckon, U+2032 HOUSE was included in Unicode, for this very reason.

Cf. <>.

(The tables in <>
only account for the Data variant of the various DOS code pages.)

Best wishes,
  Otto Stolz

PS: Above, I said "mostly", because the meanings of three control
codes have been permuted relative to ASCII, in the DOS Data codes.

---End of forwarded mail from <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> ("Otto Stolz")

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