From: "David Starner" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

> Actually, CP1252 seems
> to cover it pretty well, but it isn't covered by ASCII.

Well, one good thing about the MS code pages (for all the heat they get here
and elsewhere!) is the fact that they are very market oriented and designed
to handle whatever is thrown at them (within the limits of a particular

Not great for extensively multilingual, but I can't be the only person who
was amazed and pleased that French was so well supported on cp1256 (made the
contract I was doing for a company in Dubai much easier!).

Still, Unicode is a much better solution. There is a unique pleasure in
being a force that is working to make all of your old work unimportant
useless -- it builds character, if nothing else!


Michael Kaplan
Trigeminal Software, Inc.

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