Paul Deuter wrote:
> I am wondering if there isn't a need for the Unicode Spec to also
> dictate a way of encoding Unicode in an ASCII stream.  Perhaps

How many more ways to we need?

To be 8-bit-friendly, we have UTF-8.
To get everything into ASCII characters, we have UTF-7.
W3C specifies to use %-encoded UTF-8 for URLs.

> -----Original Message-----

> itself. The best way to handle it (from a reliability point of view) is to
> use UTF-8 for everything and to reinterpret the URL using code. The idea

This sounds good, too. Have your pages in UTF-8 and all servers will interpret URLs as 
Especially if browsers encode URLs differently, this is your best choice.

Of course, if this all does not work, the obvious choice for Unicode-broken systems is 
to use only ASCII characters to begin with...


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